
刊名Review of Global Academics


2014 2015

The Research of thick seam mining methodsReview of Global AcademicsHe Feng Zhen20141
Tiny Tme: An Inquiry after 80s' Dilemma of Value and Individual HighlightsReview of Global AcademicsDou Xingbin20141
A Discussion of Middle School English Teaching and Learning Based on the MultimediaReview of Global AcademicsHuang Duoli20141
Analysis of Relationship Between Network Culture and the Mainstream Public Opinion Network Culture Regurgitation-feedingReview of Global AcademicsJing Chan20141
Ancient Ceremonial Banquet EtiquetteReview of Global AcademicsMa Lan20141
Is It a Vain Hope That Museum Children Education Applies to All Children? --A Research on the Classification and Age-group Division of ChildrenReview of Global AcademicsZhou Jingjing20141
Improvement Of Rural Social Security System and the Service Government ConstructionReview of Global AcademicsQian HongYing20141
Research on The Effects of The Mass Media on The Promotion of The National Fitness CampaignReview of Global AcademicsBai Changke20141
Chen Youxin's Contribution to the Violin Playing and TeachingReview of Global AcademicsSong Lulu20142
Appreciation of the Film Big FishReview of Global AcademicsGao Lei20142