
总第 22 期

【标题】Relay Robotics Debuts Upgraded Hotel Elevator-Integrated Delivery Robot

【参考中译】Relay Robotics首次亮相升级的酒店电梯-集成送货机器人

【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Angela Baldwin

【摘要】 During the 45th annual NYU International Hospitality Industry Investment Conference in Manhattan in June, Relay Robotics, Inc. introduced its Relay2 hotel delivery robot, featuring upgraded cloud-based elevator integration, two times the payload of earlier models and improved navigation. The Campbell, California-headquartered company observed Relay2 "leverages Relay's proprietary elevator technology to support all elevators" from major manufacturers such as Otis, Schindler, TK Elevator, Mitsubishi Electric, KONE and others. Relay Robotics said the debut of Relay2 comes at a key time, with more than 402,000 hospitality jobs unfilled and 87% of hotels understaffed, according to data from a recent American Hotel and Lodging Association survey. Hotel customers that include Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott and Wyndham told Relay Robotics they needed a larger delivery robot to "handle the newer realities of takeout deliveries from companies like UberEats, GrubHub and DoorDash, and more fully integrate into their hotel operations." Besides greater capacity, Relay2 is outfitted with an 8-in. screen. "We'll continue to build on our proprietary elevator technology and leverage our software platform to make seamless integrations with common apps," Relay Robotics Founder and Chief Technology Officer Steven Cousins said.

【参考中译】 6月,在曼哈顿举行的第45届纽约大学国际酒店业投资大会上,Relay Robotics,Inc.推出了Relay2酒店送货机器人,具有升级的基于云的电梯集成,负载是早期型号的两倍,并改进了导航。这家总部位于加利福尼亚州坎贝尔的公司观察到,Relay 2“利用Relay‘的S专有电梯技术来支持所有电梯”,这些电梯来自主要制造商,如奥的斯、迅达、TK电梯、三菱电机、通力等。Relay Robotics表示,Relay2的推出正值关键时刻,根据美国酒店和住宿协会(American Hotel And Lodging Association)最近的一项调查数据,该公司有超过40.2万个酒店职位空缺,87%的酒店人手不足。包括希尔顿、凯悦、万豪和温德姆在内的酒店客户告诉Relay Robotics,他们需要一个更大的送货机器人,以“处理来自UberEats、GRubHub和DoorDash等公司的外卖送货的新现实,并更充分地融入他们的酒店运营。”除了更大的容量,Relay2还配备了8英寸。屏幕上。Relay Robotics创始人兼首席技术官史蒂文·考辛斯表示:“我们将继续建立在我们专有的电梯技术之上,并利用我们的软件平台与常见应用程序进行无缝集成。”

【来源】 Elevator World 2023, vol.71, no.8

【入库时间】 2023/10/31


【标题】Strong demand for industrial robots in the USA


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Colin Granger

【摘要】 Preliminary data from the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) show strong growth for the North American robotics market in 2022, with the total number of installations in manufacturing rising by 12% to reach 41,624 units. The number one adopter was the automotive industry, with companies based in the USA, Canada, and Mexico installing 20,391 industrial robots - up 30% compared to 2021. Marina Bill, the IFR's president, said: "North America represents the second-largest operational stock of industrial robots in the world after China. The USA, Canada, and Mexico are key markets in the global growth of robotics automation, and the automotive sector is leading the way. "In the USA, demand from car makers and manufacturers of components rose by 48% in 2022, reaffirming the cyclical demand pattern typical of this customer segment. After a few years of contraction, down from the peak level of 15,397 units in 2017 to 9,854 units in 2021, installations surged to 14,594 units in 2022. "Installation numbers in Canada largely depend on investments by the automotive industry, which accounts for 40% of robot installations. Sales to automotive declined by 36% with 1,258 units installed in 2022 - below the pre-pand-emic level of 1,897 units in 2019. Robot installations to manufacture parts and accessories for motor vehicles were significantly down by 45% with 995 units sold, although demand for motor vehicle, engine and body production grew by 99%, with 263 units sold.

【参考中译】 国际机器人联合会(IFR)的初步数据显示,2022年北美机器人市场增长强劲,制造中的安装总数增长12%,达到41,624台。采用最多的是汽车行业,美国、加拿大和墨西哥的公司安装了20,391台工业机器人,与2021年相比增长了30%。国际机器人联合会S主席玛丽娜·比尔说:“北美是仅次于中国的世界上第二大可运营的工业机器人。美国、加拿大和墨西哥是全球机器人自动化增长的关键市场,汽车行业处于领先地位。在美国,汽车制造商和零部件制造商的需求在2022年增长了48%,重申了这一客户群典型的周期性需求模式。经过几年的收缩,从2017年15,397套的峰值下降到2021年的9,854套,2022年装机量飙升至14,594套。加拿大的安装数量在很大程度上取决于汽车行业的投资,汽车行业占机器人安装的40%。对汽车的销量下降了36%,2022年安装了1,258辆-低于2019年流行前的1,897辆。用于制造汽车零部件的机器人装置大幅下降45%,售出995台,尽管对汽车、发动机和车身生产的需求增长了99%,售出了263台。

【来源】 Machinery Market 2023

【入库时间】 2023/10/31


【标题】Investing in industrial robots: Smart finance


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Neli Ivanova

【摘要】 With the UK still lagging behind other G7 countries on its adoption of industrial robots, Neli Ivanova of Siemens Financial Services (SFS) in the UK explores how specialist finance can help to support investment to keep UK manufacturing world-leading. Alongside other automation technologies, robots are helping with productivity and efficiency. Automation is changing the face of global manufacturing, and this is, in large part, driven by widespread adoption of industrial robots. These robots support more efficient, precise and flexible processes. On the factory floor, the latest robotic automation technology performs a range of manufacturing tasks - welding, cutting, assembling parts, labelling, handling raw materials, product packing - using sensors, controllers and actuators.

【参考中译】 在英国采用工业机器人方面仍落后于其他G7国家的情况下,西门子金融服务公司(SFS)驻英国的内利·伊万诺娃探索了专业金融如何帮助支持投资,以保持英国制造业的世界领先地位。与其他自动化技术一起,机器人正在帮助提高生产率和效率。自动化正在改变全球制造业的面貌,这在很大程度上是由工业机器人的广泛采用推动的。这些机器人支持更高效、更精确和更灵活的流程。在工厂车间,最新的机器人自动化技术使用传感器、控制器和执行器执行一系列制造任务-焊接、切割、装配部件、贴标签、搬运原材料、产品包装。

【来源】 Panel building and system integration 2023, no.Jul.

【入库时间】 2023/10/31


Elevator world《电梯世界》
Machinery Market《机械市场》
Panel building and system integration《面板构建与系统集成》