Strong demand for industrial robots in the USA


刊名:Machinery Market
作者:Colin Granger
文摘:Preliminary data from the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) show strong growth for the North American robotics market in 2022, with the total number of installations in manufacturing rising by 12% to reach 41,624 units. The number one adopter was the automotive industry, with companies based in the USA, Canada, and Mexico installing 20,391 industrial robots - up 30% compared to 2021. Marina Bill, the IFR's president, said: "North America represents the second-largest operational stock of industrial robots in the world after China. The USA, Canada, and Mexico are key markets in the global growth of robotics automation, and the automotive sector is leading the way. "In the USA, demand from car makers and manufacturers of components rose by 48% in 2022, reaffirming the cyclical demand pattern typical of this customer segment. After a few years of contraction, down from the peak level of 15,397 units in 2017 to 9,854 units in 2021, installations surged to 14,594 units in 2022. "Installation numbers in Canada largely depend on investments by the automotive industry, which accounts for 40% of robot installations. Sales to automotive declined by 36% with 1,258 units installed in 2022 - below the pre-pand-emic level of 1,897 units in 2019. Robot installations to manufacture parts and accessories for motor vehicles were significantly down by 45% with 995 units sold, although demand for motor vehicle, engine and body production grew by 99%, with 263 units sold.