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vol.01 vol.02 vol.03 vol.04 vol.05 vol.06

Rethinking about the Formulae of the Relationship between Euler Angles and Texture哈尔滨工业大学学报:英文版Liangwei Chen;Yuyu Hui;Lan Yu;Jin Hu;Jianhong Yi20215
Comparative Study on Microstructures of Zincalume Steel(G550)Welded Joint Between Metal Inert Gas and Laser Beam Welding哈尔滨工业大学学报:英文版Walisijiang Tayier;Shamini Janasekaran;Syed Menhazul Bari20215
Common Transceiver LIF⁃Lidar Based on Y⁃Type Optical Fiber for Marine Oil Spill Detection哈尔滨工业大学学报:英文版Zongjie Bi;Songlin Yin;Yanchao Zhang;Zihao Cui;Zhaoshuo Tian;Shiyou Fu20215
Method for Calculating Cartesian Coordinates of Operator’s Arm Joints for Anthropomorphic Manipulator Master⁃Slave Control Using Exoskeleton哈尔滨工业大学学报:英文版Viacheslav Petrenko;Fariza Tebueva;Vladimir Antonov;Mikhail Gurchinsky;Nikolay Svistunov20215
Robust Deep 3D Convolutional Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Hypergraph Learning哈尔滨工业大学学报:英文版Peiyuan Jia;Miao Zhang;Yi Shen20215
GPPre:A Python⁃Based Tool in Grasshopper for Office Building Performance Optimization哈尔滨工业大学学报:英文版Hui Ren;Shoulong Wang20215
Shear Behavior of Open Steel Tube Connectors in Steel⁃UHPC Composite Decks哈尔滨工业大学学报:英文版Lin Ye;Wenping Cai;Yangfan Zhuang;Yang Du;Qiu Zhao20215
On the Transient Numerical Simulation of Solid Rocket Motor by Coupling Quasi One⁃Dimension Internal Flow with Three⁃Dimension Propellant Grain Burnback哈尔滨工业大学学报:英文版Juan Duan;Yongliang Xiong;Ningdong Hu20215