
刊名Journal of Traffic and Transactions Engineering(English Edition)


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2021 2022 2023

vol.01 vol.02 vol.03 vol.04 vol.05 vol.06

Dynamic parameters of vehicles under heterogeneous traffic stream with non-lane discipline: An experimental study交通运输工程学报(英文版)Geetimukta Mahapatra;Akhilesh Kumar Maurya20185
Volume warrants for major and minor roads left-turning traffic lanes at unsignalized T-intersections: A case study using VISSIM modelling交通运输工程学报(英文版)Eric Nyame-Baafi;Charles Anum Adams;Kwame Kwakwa Osei20185
Safety ranking definition for infrastructures with high PTW flow交通运输工程学报(英文版)Antonella Ragnoli;Maria Vittoria Corazza;Paola Di Mascio20185
Prioritization methodology for roadside and guardrail improvement: Quantitative calculation of safety level and optimization of resources allocation交通运输工程学报(英文版)Giuseppe Loprencipe;Laura Moretti;Giuseppe Cantisani;Paolo Minati20185
Guidelines for roundabout circulatory and entry widths based on vehicle dynamics交通运输工程学报(英文版)Maksym Diachuk;Said M. Easa20185
Field evaluation of selected light sources for roadway lighting交通运输工程学报(英文版)Yi Jiang;Shuo Li;Bowen Guan;Guangyuan Zhao;Dave Boruff;Lalit Garg;Prakash Patel20185
State-of-the-art of port simulation models for risk and capacity assessment based on the vessel navigational behaviour through the nautical infrastructure交通运输工程学报(英文版)Xavier Bellsola Olba;Winnie Daamen;Tiedo Velling;Serge P. Hoogendoorn20185