
总第 25 期

【标题】Artificial intelligence (AI) in industrial gases


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Art Anderson

【摘要】 Artificial intelligence - AI, for short - has been around as a concept for close to 60 years. But in recent years computing power has caught up with AI's large data processing requirements - and suddenly it is here in a big way. Voice assistants (think Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa), recommendations viewed on social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube), streaming services such as Netflix, and many leading-edge e-commerce websites all now increasingly utilize AI technology that learns as it goes. As consumer AI takes off, the industrial manufacturing space (inclusive of industrial gases) has been a slow adopter. But AI has still been gaining momentum over the last few years. Use cases are being developed and tested (or have been implemented) in areas including sales and marketing, plant optimization, supply chain operations, ERP systems, risk management, and R&D, to name a few.

【参考中译】 人工智能(简称AI)作为一个概念已经存在了近60年。但近年来,计算能力已经赶上了人工智能对大数据处理的要求-S-突然之间,它以一种巨大的方式出现在了这里。语音助手(想想苹果的S Siri和亚马逊的S·亚历克萨),社交媒体(推特、脸书、YouTube)上看到的推荐,奈飞等流媒体服务,以及许多尖端的电子商务网站,现在都越来越多地利用人工智能技术,这种技术在进行中不断学习。随着消费者人工智能的腾飞,工业制造领域(包括工业气体)一直是一个缓慢的采用者。但在过去的几年里,人工智能的势头仍然在增强。销售和营销、工厂优化、供应链运营、ERP系统、风险管理和研发等领域的用例正在开发和测试(或已经实现)。

【来源】 Gasworld 2023, vol.61, no.9

【入库时间】 2024/2/22




【类型】 期刊

【关键词】 Social-Human robot interaction; Artificial intelligence; Artificial cognition and advances & cognitive robotics

【参考中译】 社会-人-机器人交互;人工智能;人工认知及其进展&认知机器人学


【摘要】 Humans have a natural tendency to incarnate surrounding things and have been enthralled always by the generation of machines gifted with human inspired traits and abilities. Nowadays, Social-Human Robot Interaction challenges the Artificial Intelligence in some regards include: dynamic, partly unknown atmospheres, which weren't formerly devised for robots; physical communications with humans, which needs low latency, fine thus far socially suitable control policies; a wide range of situations with rich semantics to recognize and understand; and multi-model and natural interaction that authorizes common sense knowledge as well as the depiction of probably deviating mental models. This paper attempts to perform comparative analysis on artificial cognition and advances in AI for Social-Human Robot Interaction and to show core decision problems, which want to be addressed for a cognitive robot for successfully sharing tasks and space with a human. High-tech design techniques and approaches are carefully examined and compared; cases where the proposed system has been used are reported, successfully. The experiments showed the capability of the system to provide a Social-Humanoid Robot by means of human social manners and robotic emotions.

【参考中译】 人类有一种自然的倾向于化身周围的事物,并一直被赋予人类灵感的特征和能力的一代机器迷住。如今,社交-人类机器人交互在某些方面挑战了人工智能,包括:动态的、部分未知的环境,这不是以前为机器人设计的;与人类的物理交流,需要低延迟、良好的迄今适合社会的控制策略;具有丰富语义的广泛的场景需要识别和理解;以及多模型和自然的交互,它授权常识知识以及对可能偏离的心理模型的描述。本文试图对人工认知和人工智能在社会-人类交互方面的进展进行比较分析,并展示认知机器人成功地与人类共享任务和空间所要解决的核心决策问题。对高科技设计技术和方法进行了仔细的检查和比较,并成功地报告了所建议的系统的使用案例。实验表明,该系统能够通过人类的社交礼仪和机器人情感提供一个社交类人机器人。

【来源】 International journal of robotics research and development 2023, vol.13, no.1

【入库时间】 2024/2/22


【标题】Artificial Intelligence; a Pragmatic Approach to Implementation in Medicine, a Review of the literature and a Survey of Local Practice in Midlands in UK


【类型】 期刊

【关键词】 Artificial intelligence; Local practice in midlands; AI in medicine

【参考中译】 人工智能;中部地区的本地实践;医学中的人工智能

【作者】 Neil Capes; Hiran Patel; Islam Sarhan; Neil Ashwood; Andrew Dekker; Ramy Shehata

【摘要】 The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for clinical pathway management and decision making is believed to improve clinical care and has been used to improve pathways for treatment in most medical disciplines. Methods: A literature review was undertaken to identify the hurdles and steps required to introduce supported clinical decision-making using AI within hospitals. This was supported by a survey of local hospital practice within the Midlands of the United Kingdom to see what systems had been introduced and were functioning effectively. Results: It is unclear how to practically implement systems using AI within medicine easily. Algorithmic medicine based on a set of rules calculated from data only takes a clinician so far to deliver patient centred optimal treatment. AI facilitates a clinician's ability to assimilate data from disparate sources and can help with some of the analysis and decision making. However, learning remains organic and the subtleties of difference between patients, care providers who exhibit non-verbal communication for instance make it difficult for an AI to capture all the pertinent information required to make the correct clinical decision for any given individual. Hence it assists rather than controls any process in clinical practice. It also must continually renew and adapt considering changes in practise and trends as the goalposts change to meet fluctuations in resources and workload. Precision surgery is benefiting from robotic-assisted surgery in parts driven by AI and being used in 80% of trusts locally. Conclusion: The use of AI in clinical practice remains patchy with it being adopted where research groups have studied a more effective method of monitoring or treatment. The use of robotic-assisted surgery on the other hand has been more rapid as the precision of treatment that this provides appears attractive in improving clinical care.

【参考中译】 人工智能(AI)用于临床路径管理和决策被认为可以改善临床护理,并已被用于改善大多数医学学科的治疗路径。方法:通过文献回顾,确定在医院内引入人工智能支持的临床决策所需的障碍和步骤。这得到了对联合王国中部地区当地医院做法的调查的支持,以了解已经引入了哪些系统并正在有效地运作。结果:目前尚不清楚如何在医学领域轻松实现使用人工智能的系统。基于一套根据数据计算出的规则的算法医学,到目前为止只需临床医生就能提供以患者为中心的最佳治疗。人工智能有助于临床医生S吸收来自不同来源的数据,并可以帮助进行一些分析和决策。然而,学习仍然是有机的,患者之间的细微差别,例如表现出非语言交流的护理提供者之间的差异,使得人工智能很难捕捉到为任何给定的个人做出正确的临床决定所需的所有相关信息。因此,它帮助而不是控制临床实践中的任何过程。它还必须根据实践和趋势的变化不断更新和调整,以适应资源和工作量的波动。精密手术正受益于由人工智能驱动的部分机器人辅助手术,并在当地80%的信托基金中使用。结论:人工智能在临床实践中的使用仍然参差不齐,研究小组已经研究了一种更有效的监测或治疗方法。另一方面,机器人辅助手术的使用更加迅速,因为它提供的治疗精度在改善临床护理方面似乎很有吸引力。

【来源】 International journal of intelligence science 2023, vol.13, no.3

【入库时间】 2024/2/22


International journal of intelligence science《国际智能科学杂志》
International journal of robotics research and development《国际机器人研究和发展杂志》