
总第 23 期

【标题】Mechnano's AM Technology Integrates Discrete Carbon Nanotubes into AM Materials for Significant Materials Improvements


【类型】 期刊


【摘要】 Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) are cylindrical structures of pure carbon with walls a single atom thick and, despite being 10,000 times smaller than human hair, CNTs have many unique properties, including: Harder than a diamond; 100 times stronger than steel; 1,000 times the current capacity of copper. When CNTs and their properties were discovered in 1991, and considerations made for how materials would react with increasing number of these miracle tubes inside them, they were hailed as the next material science revolution that would change materials and the products they made forever. The unimaginable would become possible: paper-thin antiballistic vests, super-light airframes, and even space elevators would all become feasible with the incredible properties of CNTs. However, even though CNTs really do have these and many more amazing properties, there were no sensational, CNT-loaded materials released in 1991 - or since. And there is a very good reason for that. The main challenge with CNTs is when they are manufactured, they agglomerate (or clump) into balls of millions and sometimes billions of tubes. And despite there being so many CNTs in these clumps, this agglomeration proves their downfall. Clumped CNTs not only prevent their unique properties from being transferred into a receiving system, but they also end up being detrimental to the receiving system.

【参考中译】 碳纳米管(CNT)是由纯碳组成的圆柱形结构,壁只有一个原子厚,尽管碳纳米管比人的头发小一万倍,但它具有许多独特的特性,包括:比钻石更硬;比钢强100倍;比铜的电流容量高1000倍。1991年,当碳纳米管及其特性被发现时,人们考虑到材料将如何与越来越多的这种神奇的管子发生反应,它们被誉为下一次材料科学革命,将永远改变材料和它们制造的产品。不可想象的事情将成为可能:纸一样薄的防弹背心,超轻的机身,甚至太空电梯都将成为可能,因为碳纳米管令人难以置信的特性。然而,尽管碳纳米管确实具有这些和更多令人惊叹的特性,但在1991年或之后,没有任何轰动的、负载碳纳米管的材料问世。这是有很好的理由的。碳纳米管面临的主要挑战是,当它们被制造出来时,它们会凝聚(或聚集)成数百万甚至数十亿个管子的球状。尽管这些块状物中有如此多的碳纳米管,但这种聚集证明了它们的衰落。成团的碳纳米管不仅阻止其独特的性质被转移到接收系统中,而且最终也对接收系统有害。

【来源】 Global SMT & Packaging 2023, vol.23, no.5

【入库时间】 2023/11/28


【标题】Abrasive wear protection in material handling: Mechanism-based combination of lab-experiments for optimal material selection


【类型】 期刊

【关键词】 Impact wear; Abrasive wear; Wear testing; Wear mechanisms; Wear protection

【参考中译】 冲击磨损;磨粒磨损;磨损试验;磨损机理;磨损保护

【作者】 Lukas Widder; Harald Rojacz; Karl Adam; Andreas Kuttner; Markus Varga

【摘要】 Material processing of loose goods can be found ubiquitously in heavy industries such as steel production. In transportation, relocation or other processing routines of raw materials severe and manifold abrasive loads attack wear protection materials. As often plant engineers are not aware of the prevailing loads and wear mechanisms, the material choice might be suboptimal. Therefore, the objectives of this work were to identify wear mechanisms for several distinct applications and evaluate the suitability of applied wear solutions. Various forms of abrasive and impact-abrasive wear were simulated in lab experiments. A variation of ten common wear protection materials consisting of martensitic steels and hardfacings was applied in standard abrasion testing, in adapted high stress situations as well as in impact-abrasion testing. For the latter six original abrasives from field applications were utilized and their severity classified. Based on the wear results an application-oriented combination of the quantitative results was used for a qualified selection map of most favorable wear protection solutions for specific load conditions representative of certain wear components. By these selection maps a knowledge-based choice for wear protection solutions is provided, enabling wear resistance optimization and thereby increasing sustainability in material handling.

【参考中译】 在钢铁生产等重工业中,散装货物的材料加工无处不在。在运输、搬家或其他加工过程中,原材料受到严重和多种磨料载荷的侵蚀,磨损防护材料。由于工厂工程师通常不知道普遍存在的载荷和磨损机制,因此材料选择可能不是最优的。因此,这项工作的目标是确定几种不同应用的磨损机制,并评估所应用的磨损解决方案的适用性。对不同形式的磨粒磨损和冲击磨粒磨损进行了实验室模拟。由马氏体钢和硬面组成的10种常见磨损防护材料被应用于标准磨损试验、适应高应力环境以及冲击磨损试验。对于后六种磨料,使用了来自现场应用的原始磨料,并对其严重性进行了分类。基于磨损结果,定量结果的面向应用的组合被用于针对代表某些磨损部件的特定载荷条件的最有利的磨损保护解决方案的合格选择图。通过这些选择地图,为耐磨保护解决方案提供了基于知识的选择,从而实现了耐磨性优化,从而提高了材料处理的可持续性。

【来源】 Wear 2023, vol.530/531

【入库时间】 2023/11/28


【标题】Measurement of water profiles released from composite material by using the SECM technique


【类型】 期刊

【关键词】 Room temperature ionic liquids (RTIL); Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM); Composite; Water profile

【参考中译】 室温离子液体;扫描电化学显微镜;复合材料;水分分布

【作者】 D. Trinh; A. Renaud; J. Valette; S. Mallarino; S. Touzain

【摘要】 This work proposes a novel protocol to evaluate a water profile inside polymers and composite materials at a microscopic scale. Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) experiments are performed in a dry Room Temperature Ionic Liquid (RTIL) to detect water molecules coming from an organic matrix composite that was previously immersed water. Since the presence of water influences the viscosity of the RTIL, the electrochemical signal at the SECM tip is sensitive to the amount of water around the microelectrode. Several water profiles of dry, semi-saturated and saturated composite sample are obtained and compared.

【参考中译】 这项工作提出了一种在微观尺度上评估聚合物和复合材料内部水分分布的新方法。扫描电化学显微镜(SECM)实验是在干室温离子液体(RTIL)中进行的,以检测来自先前浸泡在水中的有机基质复合材料的水分子。由于水的存在影响RTIL的粘度,SECM尖端的电化学信号对微电极周围的水量很敏感。得到了干、半饱和和饱和复合试件的几种含水线,并对其进行了比较。

【来源】 Electrochimica Acta 2023, vol.464

【入库时间】 2023/11/28


Electrochimica Acta《国际电化学杂志:电化学学报》
Global SMT & Packaging《全球表面装配技术与包装——欧洲版》