
总第 21 期

【标题】Small Industrial Robot


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Laura Davis

【摘要】 The company's smallest industrial robot, the IRB 1010 has been designed to meet growing consumer demand for wearable smart devices. The compact size, class-leading payload, and accuracy offer electronics manufacturers the opportunity to increase their production of devices. With a reach of 14.6 in. (370 mm) and a footprint of 5.3 x 9.8 in. (135 x 250 mm), it's 30% smaller than ABB's current smallest robot. These compact dimensions increase the number of cells that can be fit into production spaces, enabling manufacturers to boost output. Capable of handling loads up to 3.3 lb. (1.5 kg), the IRB 1010 has the ability to lift up to three times more weight than comparable robots. This increased payload capacity - coupled with a larger diameter air hose that provides added power for vacuum suction - enables simultaneous handling of multiple objects, allowing more objects to be processed per hour. It also opens opportunities for new applications including film peeling, material handling, assembly, gluing, and inspection.

【参考中译】 该公司“S”最小的工业机器人IRB1010旨在满足消费者对可穿戴智能设备日益增长的需求。紧凑的尺寸、一流的有效载荷和精确度为电子制造商提供了增加设备产量的机会。伸展范围为14.6英寸。(370毫米),占地面积为5.3 x 9.8英寸。(135x250 Mm),它是S目前最小的机器人,比ABB小30%。这些紧凑的尺寸增加了可以装入生产空间的电池数量,使制造商能够提高产量。能够处理最大3.3磅的负载。IRB 1010重1.5公斤,能够举起比同类机器人多三倍的重量。这种增加的有效载荷能力,再加上直径更大的空气软管,为真空吸力提供了额外的动力,使得能够同时处理多个物体,允许每小时处理更多的物体。它还为新的应用提供了机会,包括薄膜剥离、材料处理、组装、粘合和检查。

【来源】 New Equipment Digest 2023, vol.88, no.1

【入库时间】 2023/9/27


【标题】High Payload Industrial Robot


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 David Greenfield

【摘要】 The N-220 from Comau is a 220kg payload robot featuring a modular set up, direct kinematics, absolute calibration, and enhanced algorithms. According to the company, these characteristics deliver significant ease of use, straightforward integration, and faster post-installation maintenance while ensuring precision, flexibility, repeatability, and minimum backlash.

【参考中译】 Comau的N-220是一款220公斤重的有效载荷机器人,具有模块化设置、直接运动学、绝对校准和增强的算法。根据该公司的说法,这些特性提供了极大的易用性、直接的集成和更快的安装后维护,同时确保了精确度、灵活性、可重复性和最小的回差。

【来源】 Automation World 2022, vol.20, no.6

【入库时间】 2023/9/27


【标题】Robot swarms neutralize harmful Byzantine robots using a blockchain-based token economy


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Volker Strobel; Alexandre Pacheco; Marco Dorigo

【摘要】 Through cooperation, robot swarms can perform tasks or solve problems that a single robot from the swarm could not perform/solve by itself. However, it has been shown that a single Byzantine robot (such as a malfunctioning or malicious robot) can disrupt the coordination strategy of the entire swarm. Therefore, a versatile swarm robotics framework that addresses security issues in inter-robot communication and coordination is urgently needed. Here, we show that security issues can be addressed by setting up a token economy between the robots. To create and maintain the token economy, we used blockchain technology, originally developed for the digital currency Bitcoin. The robots were given crypto tokens that allowed them to participate in the swarm's security-critical activities. The token economy was regulated via a smart contract that decided how to distribute crypto tokens among the robots depending on their contributions. We designed the smart contract so that Byzantine robots soon ran out of crypto tokens and could therefore no longer influence the rest of the swarm. In experiments with up to 24 physical robots, we demonstrated that our smart contract approach worked: The robots could maintain blockchain networks, and a blockchain-based token economy could be used to neutralize the destructive actions of Byzantine robots in a collective-sensing scenario. In experiments with more than 100 simulated robots, we studied the scalability and long-term behavior of our approach. The obtained results demonstrate the feasibility and viability of blockchain-based swarm robotics.

【参考中译】 通过合作,机器人群可以执行任务或解决群中单个机器人无法自行完成/解决的问题。然而,已有研究表明,单个拜占庭机器人(如故障或恶意机器人)可以扰乱整个种群的协调策略。因此,迫切需要一个通用的群体机器人框架来解决机器人之间的通信和协调中的安全问题。在这里,我们展示了安全问题可以通过在机器人之间建立令牌经济来解决。为了创造和维护代币经济,我们使用了区块链技术,最初是为数字货币比特币开发的。这些机器人获得了密码令牌,允许它们参加群S的安全关键活动。代币经济是通过一份智能合同来监管的,该合同决定了如何根据机器人的贡献在机器人之间分配密码令牌。我们设计了智能合同,这样拜占庭机器人很快就会用完密码令牌,因此不再能影响群的其余部分。在多达24个实体机器人的实验中,我们证明了我们的智能合同方法是有效的:机器人可以维护区块链网络,基于区块链的令牌经济可以用来中和集体感知场景中拜占庭机器人的破坏性行为。在与100多个模拟机器人的实验中,我们研究了我们方法的可扩展性和长期行为。实验结果验证了基于区块链的群体机器人的可行性和可行性。

【来源】 Science Robotics 2023, vol.8, no.79

【入库时间】 2023/9/27


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