
文集名Computer Security. ESORICS 2023 International Workshops
会议名28th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2023) Workshops: CyberICS, DPM, CBT, and SECPRE
中译名《第二十八届欧洲计算机安全研究专题研讨会 - 讨论会,卷1》
会议日期September 25-29, 2023
会议地点The Hague, The Netherlands

Effects of Organizational Cyber Security Culture Across the Energy Sector Supply ChainSusanne Barkhald Sandberg; Aida Akbarzadeh; Vasileios Gkioulos2024
METRICS: A Methodology for Evaluating and Testing the Resilience of Industrial Control Systems to CyberattacksLennart Bader; Eric Wagner; Martin Henze; Martin Serror2024
Threat Analysis in Dairy Farming 4.0Karl Jonatan Due Vatn; Georgios Kavallieratos; Sokratis Katsikas2024
Overview of Social Engineering Protection and Prevention MethodsKonstantinos Kontogeorgopoulos; Kyriakos Kritikos2024
Skade - A Challenge Management System for Cyber Threat HuntingTeodor Sommestad; Henrik Karlzen; Hanna Kvist; Hanna Gustafsson2024
On the Usage of NLP on CVE Descriptions for Calculating RiskThrasyvoulos Giannakopoulos; Konstantinos Maliatsos2024
Evaluation of an OPC UA-Based Access Control Enforcement ArchitectureBjorn Leander; Aida Causevic; Hans Hansson; Tomas Lindstrom2024
HoneyEVSE: An Honeypot to Emulate Electric Vehicle Supply EquipmentsMassimiliano Baldo; Tommaso Bianchi; Mauro Conti; Alessio Trevisan; Federico Turrin2024
Not Only Security and Privacy: The Evolving Ethical and Legal Challenges of E-CommerceMichal Choras; Aleksandra Pawlicka; Dagmara Jaroszewska-Choras; Marek Pawlicki2024
Synthetic Is All You Need: Removing the Auxiliary Data Assumption for Membership Inference Attacks Against Synthetic DataFlorent Guepin; Matthieu Meeus; Ana-Maria Cretu; Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye2024
Patient-Centric Health Data Sovereignty: An Approach Using Proxy Re-EncryptionBruno Rodrigues; Ivone Amorim; Ivan Silva; Alexandra Mendes2024
PrivacySmart: Automatic and Transparent Management of Privacy PoliciesCristofol Dauden-Esmel; Jordi Castella-Roca; Alexandre Viejo; Eduard Josep Bel-Ribes2024
Try On, Spied On?: Privacy Analysis of Virtual Try-On Websites and Android AppsAbdelrahman Ragab; Mohammad Mannan; Amr Youssef2024
Integrally Private Model Selection for Support Vector MachineSaloni Kwatra; Ayush K. Varshney; Vicenc Torra2024
Differentially Private Traffic Flow Prediction Using Transformers: A Federated ApproachSargam Gupta; Vicenc Torra2024
Analyzing Continuous K_s-Anonymization for Smart Meter DataCarolin Brunn; Saskia Nunez von Voigt; Florian Tschorsch2024
Towards Real-World Private Computations with Homomorphic Encryption: Current Solutions and Open ChallengesMichela Iezzi; Carsten Maple; Andrea Leonetti2024
AddShare: A Privacy-Preserving Approach for Federated LearningBernard Atiemo Asare; Paula Branco; Iluju Kiringa; Tet Yeap2024
Secure Multiparty Sampling of a Biased Coin for Differential PrivacyAmir Zarei; Staal A. Vinterbo2024
Transaction Fee Mechanism for Order-Sensitive Blockchain-Based ApplicationsMohammad Sadegh Nourbakhsh; Feng Hao; Arshad Jhumka2024