
文集名Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications
会议名22nd International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications (CARDIS 2023)
会议日期November 14-16, 2023
会议地点Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Microarchitectural Insights into Unexplained Behaviors Under Clock Glitch Fault InjectionIhab Alshaer; Brice Colombier; Christophe Deleuze; Vincent Beroulle; Paolo Maistri2024
An In-Depth Security Evaluation of the Nintendo DSi Gaming Consolepcy Sluys; Lennert Wouters; Benedikt Gierlichs; Ingrid Verbauwhede2024
A Differential Fault Attack Against Deterministic Falcon SignaturesSven Bauer; Fabrizio De Santis2024
Fault Attacks Sensitivity of Public Parameters in the Dilithium VerificationAndersson Calle Viera; Alexandre Berzati; Karine Heydemann2024
Attacking at Non-harmonic Frequencies in Screaming-Channel AttacksJeremy Guillaume; Maxime Pelcat; Amor Nafkha; Ruben Salvador2024
Bernoulli at the Root of Horizontal Side Channel AttacksGauthier Cler; Sebastien Ordas; Philippe Maurine2024
Blind Side Channel Analysis Against AEAD with a Belief Propagation ApproachModou Sarry; Helene Le Bouder; Eid Maaloouf; Gael Thomas2024
Leveraging Coprocessors as Noise Engines in Off-the-Shelf MicrocontrollersBalazs Udvarhelyi; Francois-Xavier Standaert2024
The Adoption Rate of JavaCard Features by Certified Products and Open-Source ProjectsLukas Zaoral; Antonin Dufka; Petr Svenda2024
PQ.V.ALU.E: Post-quantum RISC-V Custom ALU Extensions on Dilithium and KyberKonstantina Miteloudi; Joppe W. Bos; Olivier Bronchain; Bjorn Fay; Joost Renes2024
Keep It Unsupervised: Horizontal Attacks Meet Simple ClassifiersSana Boussam; Ninon Calleja Albillos2024
Deep Stacking Ensemble Learning Applied to Profiling Side-Channel AttacksDorian Llavata; Eleonora Cagli; Remi Eyraud; Vincent Grosso; Lilian Bossuet2024
Like an Open Book? Read Neural Network Architecture with Simple Power Analysis on 32-Bit MicrocontrollersRaphael Joud; Pierre-Alain Moellic; Simon Pontie; Jean-Baptiste Rigaud2024