
刊名Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing


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2024, vol.102, no.1 2024, vol.102, no.2 2024, vol.102, no.3 2024, vol.102, no.4

The growth and corrosion resistance of MgAl layered double hydroxide films on the surface of LA43M Mg-Li alloyZhang, J.; Lian, D.; Li, J.; Zhang, M.; Wang, Z.; Wu, J.; Wang, C.20242024, vol.102, no.2
Ultra-low Pt loading catalyst on (Nb-Ti) 2 AlC support as advanced material for low-temperature fuel cell applicationPetricevic, A.; Jovic, V. D.; Pajic, M. N. Krstajic; Marzec, M.; Gajewska, M.; Zabinski, P.; Elezovic, N. R.20242024, vol.102, no.2
Sol-gel derived highly hydrophobic Polystyrene/SiO 2 spray coatings on polished stainless steel and textured aluminium substratesSharma, J.; Bhandari, A.; Jangra, S.; Goyat, M. S.20242024, vol.102, no.2
Effect of silicon content on microstructure and mechanical properties of AlSi alloy coating obtained by physical vapour depositionSaoudi, E.; Younes, R.; Mesrati, N.; Baiamonte, L.; Bradai, M. A.; Ouchabane, M.20242024, vol.102, no.2
IMF News[Anonymous]20242024, vol.102, no.2
Arne Tiselius (1902-1971), a pioneer in electrophoresis, leading to our better understanding of electrohydrodynamicsWalsh, F. C.20242024, vol.102, no.2
Self-healing properties of microencapsulated linseed oil-poly(urea formaldehyde) additives embedded polyester coating on Galvalume steel sheetBhardwaj, Sushant; Rani, Nitu; Singh, Arun Kumar; Chauhan, Ankita; Rishabh20242024, vol.102, no.2
Estimation of indenter depth during frictional treatment of nickel-based coatings using optical profilometrySoboleva, N. N.; Davydova, N. A.; Makarov, A. V.20242024, vol.102, no.2