
刊名Applied Ergonomics


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
2023 2024

2024, vol.114 2024, vol.115 2024, vol.116 2024, vol.117 2024, vol.118 2024, vol.119
2024, vol.120 2024, vol.121

Firefighter uncompensable heat stress results in excessive upper body temperatures measured by infrared thermography: Implications for cooling strategiesCoehoorn C.J.; St. Martin P.; Teran J.; Cowart H.; Waite L.; Newman S.20242024, vol.120
Road to serenity: Individual variations in the efficacy of unobtrusive respiratory guidance for driving stress regulationJallais C.; Quick J.; Ndiaye D.; Bequet A.J.; Hidalgo-Munoz A.R.20242024, vol.120
Design and evaluation of the OmniSuit: A passive occupational exoskeleton for back and shoulder supportBee D.; Kos M.; Bartenbach V.; Scholtysik T.; Kuoni L.; Lambercy O.; van Sluijs R.; Brunner A.20242024, vol.120
A novel approach for predicting usability of upper limb prosthesesPark J.; Zahabi M.; Huang H.; Benden M.20242024, vol.120
Adapting to the human: A systematic review of a decade of human factors research on adaptive autonomyHauptman A.I.; Flathmann C.; McNeese N.J.20242024, vol.120
A year-long case study of multicomponent interventions to promote physical activity in office workers: A randomized control trialGonzales A.; Cha J.S.; Lin J.-H.20242024, vol.120
Virtual fit assessment of U.S. army body armor using NASA spacesuit techniquesKim K.H.; Green W.J.; Hernandez Y.; Rajulu S.L.; Choi-Rokas H.E.; Li P.; Garlie T.N.; Mitchell K.B.20242024, vol.120
Design considerations for protective boots for first responders to hazardous materials incidentsKong D.; Lin A.; Melissas A.; Park H.T.; Stull J.O.20242024, vol.120
Evaluating the categorisation of interventions in individual working practice aimed at preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders: An international experts consultationvan de Wijdeven B.; Visser B.; Kuijer P.P.F.M.20242024, vol.120
Perceived impacts of stressful events on train driver performanceLiddell N.T.; Salmon P.M.; Read G.J.M.; Naweed A.20242024, vol.120