
刊名Measurement + Control


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2024, vol.57, no.1 2024, vol.57, no.2 2024, vol.57, no.3 2024, vol.57, no.4 2024, vol.57, no.5 2024, vol.57, no.6
2024, vol.57, no.7

Design of a bus-based battery equalization with zero-current switchingZhao Xin; Li Kun20242024, vol.57, no.5
Stress-strain analysis of steel S235JRH pipe ring tensile specimens using 3D optical methodsMilan Travica; Nenad Mitrovi?; Aleksandar Petrovi?; Ivana Jevti?; Milo? Milo?evi?20242024, vol.57, no.5
An adaptive bearing rigid formation control of multi-agent systems with nonlinear dead-zone inputsQin Wang; Zitao Chen; Yang Yi; Qingcheng Shen20242024, vol.57, no.5
Research on imperfect condition-based maintenance strategy based on accelerated degradation processJintao Chen; Lina Ren; Jianhua Li20242024, vol.57, no.5
Super-twisting sliding mode finite time control of power-line inspection robot with external disturbances and input delaysYuhan Cao20242024, vol.57, no.5
Vibration errors compensation method based on self-feature registration for the 3-D dynamic measurement of metallic sealing ring forming surfaceHao-Nan Pei; Wen-Jing Zhou; Ming Luo20242024, vol.57, no.5
Observer-based distributed convex optimization of bipartite containment control for higher order nonlinear uncertain multi-agent systemsLihui Hao; Shengbin Hu; Jiaxin Yuan; Xiaole Yang20242024, vol.57, no.5
Engine remaining useful life prediction based on PSO optimized multi-layer long short-term memory and multi-source information fusionWei Yuan; Xinlong Li; Hongbin Gu; Faye Zhang; Fei Miao20242024, vol.57, no.5
Robust planning for distributed energy storage systems considering location marginal prices of distribution networksYue Sun; Luohao Wang; Shengnan Zhao; Xingong Cheng; Qiqiang Li20242024, vol.57, no.5
A correspondence selection method based on same object and same position constraintsHongxuan Ma; Ruxiang Hua; Wei Zou; Siyang Sun; Daqi Huang20242024, vol.57, no.5