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2022, vol.33, no.1 2022, vol.33, no.2 2022, vol.33, no.3 2022, vol.33, no.4

Longitudinal Effects of Engagement with Workplace Health Programmes on Employee Outcomes: A Relational PerspectiveFida, Roberta; Game, Annilee; Stepanek, Martin; Gendronneau, Cloe20222022, vol.33, no.4
On the Parable of the Management Scholars and the Russia-Ukraine WarAguinis, Herman; Cope, Amando; Martin, Ursula M.20222022, vol.33, no.4
Do Learning Benefits Accrue Equally Over Successive Fundraising Attempts? Strategic Change and the Moderating Role of ExperienceSewaid, Ahmed; Garcia-Cestona, Miguel; Silaghi, Florina20222022, vol.33, no.4
Management Scholarship and the Russia-Ukraine WarCumming, Douglas20222022, vol.33, no.4
Entrepreneurs' Learning from Business Failures: An Emerging Market PerspectiveAmankwah-Amoah, Joseph; Khan, Zaheer; Ifere, Simeon Emezana; Nyuur, Richard B.; Khan, Huda20222022, vol.33, no.4
Value Propositions in Public Collaborations: Regaining Organizational Focus Through Value ConfigurationsEriksson, Erik; Gadolin, Christian; Andersson, Thomas; Hellstrom, Andreas; Lifvergren, Svante20222022, vol.33, no.4
The Interplay of Brand, Brand Origin and Brand User Stereotypes in Forming Value PerceptionsGidakovic, Petar; Szocs, Ilona; Diamantopoulos, Adamantios; Florack, Arnd; Egger, Martin; Zabkar, Vesna20222022, vol.33, no.4
Institutional Change and International Entrepreneurship after the War in UkraineZahra, Shaker A.20222022, vol.33, no.4
Unpacking New Firm ExitSaridakis, George; Frankish, Julian; Storey, David J.20222022, vol.33, no.4
Entrepreneurial Adaptation in Emerging Markets: Strategic Entrepreneurial Choices, Adaptive Capabilities and Firm PerformanceBasu, Shubhabrata; Munjal, Surender; Budhwar, Pawan; Misra, Pradeep20222022, vol.33, no.4