
刊名Creativity Research Journal


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2022, vol.34, no.1 2022, vol.34, no.2 2022, vol.34, no.3 2022, vol.34, no.4

Conceptual Design of a Creative Artificial Intelligence System Based on the Neurocognitive Bases of Human Creativity in the BrainDe Garrido, Luis20222022, vol.34, no.3
An Analysis of Writer's Block: Causes and SolutionsAhmed, Sarah J.; Guss, C. Dominik20222022, vol.34, no.3
Aesthetic Reactions to Violations in Contemporary Art: The Role of Expertise and Individual DifferencesPietras, Karolina; Ganczarek, Joanna20222022, vol.34, no.3
Antisocial Schizotypy Is Linked to Malevolent CreativityPerchtold-Stefan, Corinna M.; Rominger, Christian; Papousek, Ilona; Fink, Andreas20222022, vol.34, no.3
A Computational Interrogation of "Big-C" and "Little-c" CreativitySosa, Ricardo; van Dijck, Max20222022, vol.34, no.3
Brain Network Associated with Three Types of Remote Associations: Graph Theory AnalysisWu, Ching-Lin20222022, vol.34, no.3
The Curvilinear Relation between Work Predictability and CreativityCaniels, Marjolein C. J.; de Jong, Jeroen P.; Sibbel, Hannes20222022, vol.34, no.3
Semantic Distance And the Alternate Uses Task: Recommendations for Reliable Automated Assessment of OriginalityBeaty, Roger E.; Johnson, Dan R.; Zeitlen, Daniel C.; Forthmann, Boris20222022, vol.34, no.3