
刊名Laser physics letters


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2022, vol.19, no.1 2022, vol.19, no.11 2022, vol.19, no.12 2022, vol.19, no.2 2022, vol.19, no.3 2022, vol.19, no.4
2022, vol.19, no.5 2022, vol.19, no.6 2022, vol.19, no.7 2022, vol.19, no.8 2022, vol.19, no.9

Ultrathin gold nanowires as broadband saturable absorbers for ultrashort pulsed lasersLi, Siqing; Lv, Changjian; Luo, Hongyu; Cui, Linghao; Jia, Zhixu; Li, Jianfeng; Qin, Weiping; Qin, Guanshi20222022, vol.19, no.9
Realization of phase dependent optical bistability in a quantum dot molecule via three-wave mixingWang, Donghui20222022, vol.19, no.9
Real-time observation of dissipative multi-soliton complexes in a net-normal dispersion fiber laserGeng, Xu; Wang, Xude; Pan, Jieyu; Li, Kaixin; Lu, Mengxiang; Sun, Mengqiu; Li, Suwen20222022, vol.19, no.9
Frequency stabilization of multiple wavelength lasers based on a broadband spectrumZhang, Shuang; Qiao, Hao; Ai, Di; Zhou, Min; Xu, Xinye20222022, vol.19, no.9
Forward kinematics of body posture perception using an improved BP neural network based on a quantum genetic algorithmChen, Buqing; Zhang, Taihui; Cong, Lin; Ma, Jin; Hu, Wendong20222022, vol.19, no.9
Frequency down-conversion of a chirped Ti:sapphire laser pulse with BaWO4 Raman shifter and second-order nonlinear crystalKinyaevskiy, I. O.; Koribut, A., V; Grudtsyn, Ya, V; Seleznev, L., V; Kovalev, V., I; Pushkarev, D., V; Dunaeva, E. E.; Ionin, A. A.20222022, vol.19, no.9
Phase-matching quantum key distribution based on orbital angular momentum under atmospheric turbulenceShen, Zhigang; Chen, Gang; Wang, Le; Li, Wei; Mao, Qianping; Zhao, Shengmei20222022, vol.19, no.9
Amplitude and phase modulation of optical feedback in a-cut Nd:YVO4 laser with a birefringent external cavityDeng, Shiwei; Zhang, Zhiyuan; Shen, Hua; Han, Jianping; Liu, Weixin20222022, vol.19, no.9
Opto-thermophoretic superlattice for atomsKrasnov, I., V20222022, vol.19, no.9
Spectral broadening of femtosecond pulses during SRS in hydrogenLosev, L. L.20222022, vol.19, no.9