
刊名European Planning Studies


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2021, vol.29, no.1 2021, vol.29, no.10 2021, vol.29, no.11 2021, vol.29, no.12 2021, vol.29, no.2 2021, vol.29, no.3
2021, vol.29, no.4 2021, vol.29, no.5 2021, vol.29, no.6 2021, vol.29, no.7 2021, vol.29, no.8 2021, vol.29, no.9

Quiet acceptance vs. the 'polder model': stakeholder involvement in strategic urban mobility plansvan der Linde, L. B. A.; Witte, P. A.; Spit, T. J. M.20212021, vol.29, no.3
Models of morphological transformations of centres of the largest Polish cities after World War IIMusiaka, Lukasz; Figlus, Tomasz; Szmytkie, Robert20212021, vol.29, no.3
Same same but different: regional coherence between institutions and policies in family firm successionLenz, Regina; Glueckler, Johannes20212021, vol.29, no.3
The role of social ties for culture-led development in inner areas. The case of the 2016-2017 Central Italy earthquakeCerquetti, Mara; Cutrini, Eleonora20212021, vol.29, no.3
Valuation of river restoration measures - Do residential preferences depend on leisure behaviour?Symmank, Lars; Profeta, Adriano; Niens, Christine20212021, vol.29, no.3
Family-managed firms and local export spillovers: evidence from Spanish manufacturing firmsBasco, Rodrigo; Backman, Mikaela; Lattanzi, Nicola; Amato, Stefano20212021, vol.29, no.3
Is the concept of urban metabolism useful for planning practice?Oliveira, Vitor; Vaz, Rita20212021, vol.29, no.3
Real option applications in megaproject planning: trends, relevance and research gaps. A literature reviewMachiels, Thomas; Compernolle, Tine; Coppens, Tom20212021, vol.29, no.3
Climate change adaptation plans in Polish cities - comparative analysisSzpak, Agnieszka20212021, vol.29, no.3