
刊名Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials


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2021, vol.68, no.1 2021, vol.68, no.2 2021, vol.68, no.3 2021, vol.68, no.4 2021, vol.68, no.5 2021, vol.68, no.6

The passive properties of TA10 in Coca-Cola containing oral environmentLiu, Ming; Li, Jun; Li, Danping; Zheng, Lierui20212021, vol.68, no.1
Intelligent anti-corrosion expert system based on big data analysisZhao, Liang; Tao, Wen; Wang, Guangwen; Wang, Lida; Liu, Guichang20212021, vol.68, no.1
The effect of additive particle size on the anti-corrosion behavior of PU coatingTan, Hai; Guo, Yanbao; Wang, Junqiang; Wang, Deguo; Cui, Yongjie20212021, vol.68, no.1
Optimization of pre-oxidation time for corrosion resistance of cobalt based coating alloy in mixed sulphatesRehman, Abdul; Bidabadi, Mohammad Hassan Shirani; Yang, Liang; Yu, Zheng; Hao, Chen; Zhang, Chi; Yang, Zhigang20212021, vol.68, no.1
Surface white spot and pitting corrosion of 316 L stainless steelYi, Guanghui; Zheng, Dajiang; Song, Guang-Ling20212021, vol.68, no.1