
刊名Journal of Control and Decision


2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2021, vol.8, no.1 2021, vol.8, no.2 2021, vol.8, no.3 2021, vol.8, no.4

Dual-mode dynamic window approach to robot navigation with convergence guaranteesGreg Droge20212021, vol.8, no.2
EOQ model of deteriorating items for fuzzy demand and learning in fuzziness with finite horizonHardik N. Soni; Shivangi N. Suthar20212021, vol.8, no.2
Inflation and time value of money in a vendor-buyer inventory system with transportation cost and ordering cost reductionS. Hemapriya; R. Uthayakumar20212021, vol.8, no.2
Finite-time robust control for transformerless H-bridge cascaded STATCOM with star configurationXingyu Lv; Bangjun Lei; Shumin Fei20212021, vol.8, no.2
Observer-based fault detection for switched systems with all unstable subsystemsQingyu Su; Zhongxin Fan; Jian Li20212021, vol.8, no.2
Mobile observation for distributed parameter system with moving boundary over mobile sensor networksJianzhong Zhang; Baotong Cui20212021, vol.8, no.2
An EOQ model of non-instantaneous deteriorating items with price, time-dependent demand and backloggingR. Sundararajan; M. Palanivel; R. Uthayakumar20212021, vol.8, no.2
A new grey prediction model for forecasting the automobiles ownership in ChinaShuliang Li; Meng Zhou; Wei Meng; Wenhao Zhou20212021, vol.8, no.2
Adaptive sliding mode control of multi-agent relay tracking systems with DisturbancesDeyin Yu; Lijing Dong; Hao Yan20212021, vol.8, no.2
Optimal fusion state estimator for a multi-sensor system subject to multiple packet dropoutsXu Han; Jianhua Lu; Guorong Zhao20212021, vol.8, no.2