
刊名International Journal of Materials Research

Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde金属学杂志1999~2018


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2018, vol.109, no.1 2018, vol.109, no.10 2018, vol.109, no.11 2018, vol.109, no.12 2018, vol.109, no.2 2018, vol.109, no.3
2018, vol.109, no.5 2018, vol.109, no.6 2018, vol.109, no.7 2018, vol.109, no.8 2018, vol.109, no.9

Microstructural effects of isothermal aging on a doped SAC solder alloyBenabou, Lahouari; Vivet, Laurent; Quang Bang Tao; Ngoc Hai Tran20182018, vol.109, no.1
Study and development of NiAl intermetallic coating on hypo-eutectoid steel using highly activated composite granules of the Ni-Al systemShahzad, Aamir; Zadorozhnyy, Vladislav Yu.; Pavlov, Mikhail D.; Semenov, Dmitri V.; Kaloshkin, Sergey D.20182018, vol.109, no.1
Diffusion behaviour of Pt in platinum aluminide coatings during thermal cyclesYe, Liya; Chen, Hongfei; Yang, Guang; Cui, Yuanyuan; Luo, Hongjie; Liu, Bin; Qian, Lingyi; Gao, Yanfeng20182018, vol.109, no.1
High temperature tensile behavior of Mg-2Al and Mg-6Al alloysQiao, Jun; Zheng, Long; Ji, Jiaxing; Bian, Fubo; He, Min; Niu, Tiangang20182018, vol.109, no.1
Elaboration of a triphasic calcium phosphate and silica nanocomposite for maxillary grafting and deposition on titanium implantsAlmeida Camargo, Nelson Heriberto; Gemelli, Enori; Passoni, Lais Schmitz; Franczak, Priscila Ferraz; Correa, Pricyla20182018, vol.109, no.1
Anisotropic thermomechanical behavior of AA6082 aluminum alloy Al-Mg-Si-MnDebih, Ali; Ouakdi, El Hadj20182018, vol.109, no.1
Significant enhancement of bond strength in the roll bonding process using Pb particlesVini, Mohammad Heydari; Zadeh, Omid Hossein20182018, vol.109, no.1
Evaluation of the thixoformability of 318.1 aluminum alloyPeluso, Tomais G.; Zoqui, Eugenio J.20182018, vol.109, no.1
Two-stage synthesis of ultrafine powder of chromium carbideNikolaenko, Irina; Antipina, Svetlana; Shveikin, Gennadii20182018, vol.109, no.1
Ternary Al-Mo-Y phase diagram and the new phase Al4Mo2YChen, Xiaoxian; Zhan, Yongzhong; Han, Feng; Guo, Fuda; Wei, Chengxia20182018, vol.109, no.1