
刊名VGB PowerTech

vgbe energy journalvgbe能源杂志2022~2024
VGB KraftwerksTechnik发电厂工程1998~2003


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022

2017, vol.97, no.1/2 2017, vol.97, no.10 2017, vol.97, no.11 2017, vol.97, no.12 2017, vol.97, no.3 2017, vol.97, no.4
2017, vol.97, no.5 2017, vol.97, no.6 2017, vol.97, no.7 2017, vol.97, no.8 2017, vol.97, no.9

Eine energie-politische Invariante: BauteilsicherheitAlbert Bagaviev; Ansgar Kranz20172017, vol.97, no.1/2
Revision einer HD-Industrie-dampfturbine und Neugestaltung des DampfgehausesMalte Vogt; Hans Schafer20172017, vol.97, no.1/2
Das Klimaproblem: Bewertung nach dem Paris-Abkommen und der Marrakesch-KonferenzEike Roth20172017, vol.97, no.1/2
Mit Flexibilitat zu mehr Klimaschutz - Energiemanagement im Chemiepark MarlRebecca Loschen20172017, vol.97, no.1/2
Release of gas phase potassium during combustion of biomass - experimental and modelling observationsPatrick E. Mason; Leilani I. Darvell; Jenny M. Jones; A. Williams20172017, vol.97, no.1/2
Tray installation - increasing Performance of a wet FGD without additional pressure loss and with simultaneous reduction of operational costsSven Kaiser; Stefan Binkowski; Uwe Schadow; Axel Thielmann20172017, vol.97, no.1/2
Modernisation of the high pressure part of a 200-MW-class steam turbine - lifetime extension and performance improvementRadoslaw Wisniewski20172017, vol.97, no.1/2
Cofiring in sugar mills industry in ColombiaJose Maria Rincon; Marco Aurelio Vera; Pedro Guevara; Sofia Duarte20172017, vol.97, no.1/2
Interaction of renewable & conventional energies - large-scale battery systems as a connecting linkChristian Karalis; Michael Muhl20172017, vol.97, no.1/2
Flexible conventional power plants and volatile renewable power production - control opportunitiesDaniel Lehmann; Hendrik Lens20172017, vol.97, no.1/2