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2016, vol.58, no.1 2016, vol.58, no.10 2016, vol.58, no.11/12 2016, vol.58, no.2 2016, vol.58, no.3 2016, vol.58, no.4
2016, vol.58, no.5 2016, vol.58, no.6 2016, vol.58, no.7/8 2016, vol.58, no.9

Ultrasonic fatigue testing in the scanning electron microscopeSoeker, Marcus; Galster, Michael; Krupp, Ulrich; Doenges, Benjamin20162016, vol.58, no.2
Fracture behavior of various welded steelsOzdemir, Tevfik Ertugrul; Cetinel, Hakan; Uyulgan, Bahadir20162016, vol.58, no.2
Test procedure for fatigue investigations regarding structured sheet metal jointsKazak, Fedor; Weiss, Sabine20162016, vol.58, no.2
Mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al-Ni alloys with Al3Ni intermetallicsKarakulak, Erdem; Koc, Funda Gul; Yamanoglu, Ridvan; Zeren, Muzaffer20162016, vol.58, no.2
Abrasion wear behavior of a forged and unforged Fe-B alloyMa, Sude; Zhang, Jianjun; Ma, Shengqiang20162016, vol.58, no.2
Mechanical and fracture behavior of B4C reinforced Al composites produced by hot pressingGulesin, Mahmut; Ozcatalbas, Yusuf; Ekici, Ergun20162016, vol.58, no.2
Fracturing and adhesion behavior of hydroxyapatite formed by a citric acid and sodium citrate buffer systemAydin, Ibrahim; Cetinel, Hakan; Pasinli, Ahmet; Yuksel, Mithat20162016, vol.58, no.2
Effect of hot dip galvanized coating on the corrosion resistance of the external surface of reinforcement steelAydin, Ozlem; Topuz, Polat20162016, vol.58, no.2
Enhanced surface properties of iron by in situ hard nickel coatingYamanoglu, Ridvan; Efendi, Erdinc20162016, vol.58, no.2
Optimization of dye removal by activated carbon prepared from sawdustMahrous, Yasser Sh.; El-Midany, Ayman A.20162016, vol.58, no.2