
刊名Low temperature physics


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2016, vol.42, no.1 2016, vol.42, no.10 2016, vol.42, no.11 2016, vol.42, no.12 2016, vol.42, no.2 2016, vol.42, no.3
2016, vol.42, no.4 2016, vol.42, no.5 2016, vol.42, no.6 2016, vol.42, no.7 2016, vol.42, no.8 2016, vol.42, no.9

Features of exciton dynamics in molecular nanoclusters (J-aggregates): Exciton self-trappingMalyukin, Yu. V.; Sorokin, A. V.; Semynozhenko, V. P.20162016, vol.42, no.6
Cascade of parametric resonances in coupled Josephson junctionsShukrinov, Yu. M.; Azemtsa-Donfack, H.; Rahmonov, I. R.; Botha, A. E.20162016, vol.42, no.6
Negative magnetoresistance in indium antimonide whiskers doped with tinDruzhinin, A.; Ostrovskii, I.; Khoverko, Yu.; Liakh-Kaguy, N.20162016, vol.42, no.6
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of RT4Al8 (R = Sc, Y, La, Lu; T = Fe, Mn, Cr) compounds. Hydrostatic pressure effectsZhuravleva, I. P.; Grechnev, G. E.; Panfilov, A. S.; Lyogenkaya, A. A.; Kotlyar, O. V.; Fedorchenko, A. V.; Feher, A.20162016, vol.42, no.6
Thermoelectric amplification of phonons in grapheneDompreh, K. A.; Mensah, N. G.; Mensah, S. Y.; Fosuhene, S. K.20162016, vol.42, no.6
Quasi-static magnetic properties and high-frequency energy losses in CoFe2O4 nanoparticlesTykhonenko-Polishchuk, Yu. O.; Kulyk, N. N.; Yelenich, O. V.; Becyte, V.; Mazeika, K.; Kalita, V. M.; Belous, A. G.; Tovstolytkin, A. I.20162016, vol.42, no.6
Raman scattering in multiferroic SmFe3(BO3)(4)Peschanskii, A. V.; Fomin, V. I.; Gudim, I. A.20162016, vol.42, no.6
Unusual changes in the shape of solid parahydrogen with higher than natural isotope contentAlekseeva, L. A.; Dobryden, I.20162016, vol.42, no.6
Phase separation in iron chalcogenide superconductor Rb0.8+xFe1.6+ySe2 as seen by Raman light scattering and band structure calculationsPashkevich, Yu.; Lemmens, P.; Shevtsova, T.; Gusev, A.; Lamonova, K.; Wulferding, D.; Gnatchenko, S.; Pomjakushina, E.; Conder, K.; Gnezdilov, V.20162016, vol.42, no.6
Density domains of a photo-excited electron gas on liquid heliumMonarkha, Yu. P.20162016, vol.42, no.6