
刊名Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power


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2016, vol.138, no.1 2016, vol.138, no.10 2016, vol.138, no.11 2016, vol.138, no.12 2016, vol.138, no.2 2016, vol.138, no.3
2016, vol.138, no.4 2016, vol.138, no.5 2016, vol.138, no.6 2016, vol.138, no.7 2016, vol.138, no.8 2016, vol.138, no.9

Modeling and Simulation of an Externally Fired Micro-Gas Turbine for Standalone Polygeneration ApplicationRahman, Moksadur; Malmquist, Anders20162016, vol.138, no.11
Capturing Cyclic Variability in Exhaust Gas Recirculation Dilute Spark-Ignition Combustion Using Multicycle RANSScarcelli, Riccardo; Sevik, James; Wallner, Thomas; Richards, Keith; Pomraning, Eric; Senecal, Peter K.20162016, vol.138, no.11
Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Guide Vane Length to Improve the Performance of a Diesel Engine Run With BiodieselBari, S.; Saad, Idris20162016, vol.138, no.11
The Depth-Averaged Numerical Simulation of Laminar Thin-Film Flows With Capillary WavesKakimpa, Bruce; Morvan, Herve; Hibberd, Stephen20162016, vol.138, no.11
Study of Energy-Saving Potential of Electronically Controlled Turbocharger for Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust Gas Energy RecoveryTang, Qijun; Fu, Jianqin; Zhou, Feng; Duan, Xiongbo; Liu, Jingping20162016, vol.138, no.11
Forced Response Analysis of High-Mode Vibrations for Mistuned Bladed Disks With Effective Reduced-Order ModelsDuan, Yongliang; Zang, Chaoping; Petrov, E. P.20162016, vol.138, no.11
Defining the Thermodynamic Efficiency in a Wave RotorChan, Shining; Liu, Huoxing; Xing, Fei20162016, vol.138, no.11
Modeling Auto-Ignition Transients in Reacting Diesel JetsHakim, Layal; Lacaze, Guilhem; Khalil, Mohammad; Najm, Habib N.; Oefelein, Joseph C.20162016, vol.138, no.11
Extending Lean and Exhaust Gas Recirculation-Dilute Operating Limits of a Modern Gasoline Direct-Injection Engine Using a Low-Energy Transient Plasma Ignition SystemSevik, James; Wallner, Thomas; Pamminger, Michael; Scarcelli, Riccardo; Singleton, Dan; Sanders, Jason20162016, vol.138, no.11
Static and Modal Topology Optimization of Turbomachinery ComponentsRindi, Andrea; Meli, Enrico; Boccini, Enrico; Iurisci, Giuseppe; Corbo, Simone; Falomi, Stefano20162016, vol.138, no.11