
刊名Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2016, vol.86, no.1 2016, vol.86, no.2 2016, vol.86, no.3 2016, vol.87, no.1 2016, vol.87, no.2 2016, vol.87, no.3
2016, vol.88, no.1 2016, vol.88, no.2 2016, vol.88, no.3 2016, vol.89, no.1 2016, vol.89, no.2 2016, vol.89, no.3

Diagnosis of epilepsy from interictal EEGs based on chaotic and wavelet transformationJacob, Jisu Elsa; Sreelatha, Vijith Vijayakumar; Iype, Thomas; Nair, Gopakumar Kuttappan; Yohannan, Doris George20162016, vol.89, no.1
A low-power, reconfigurable, pipelined ADC for implantable bioimpedance measurement system with vertically aligned carbon nanofibers (VACNF) electrodesRandall, Terence C.; Islam, Syed Kamrul; Mahbub, Ifana; McFarlane, Nicole; Yu, Yongchao20162016, vol.89, no.1
Study of the index failure for power amplifier caused by temperatureLin, Qian; Fu, Haipeng; Cheng, Qianfu; Zhu, Yuanyuan20162016, vol.89, no.1
A CMOS EEG detection system with a configurable analog front-end architectureAlhammadi, Aisha A.; Nazzal, Tasnim B.; Mahmoud, Soliman A.20162016, vol.89, no.1
Design, analysis and implementation of class-E ZCS/ZCDS power amplifier for any duty ratio with nonlinear output parasitic capacitanceLotfi, Ali; Medi, Ali20162016, vol.89, no.1
A miniaturized harmonic suppressed power amplifier integrated with lowpass filter for long term evolution applicationRoshani, Saeed; Hayati, Mohsen; Setayeshi, Saeed; Roshani, Sobhan; Mohamadpour, Golshan20162016, vol.89, no.1
Analysis of MIMO-OFDM system impaired by nonlinear dual-band power amplifiersVaezi, Amir; Abdipour, Abdolali; Mohammadi, Abbas; Ghannouchi, Fadhel M.20162016, vol.89, no.1
A 12-b, 650-MSps time-interleaved pipeline analog to digital converter with 1.5 GHz analog bandwidth for digital beam-forming systemsNazari, Ali; Mikkola, Esko; Jalali-Farahani, Bahar; Barnaby, Hugh20162016, vol.89, no.1
Fully-integrated bias control feed-back loop for efficiency enhancement of mmWave CMOS power amplifierSerhan, Ayssar; Lauga-Larroze, Estelle; Corrao, Nicolas; Fournier, Jean-Michel20162016, vol.89, no.1
Special Issue: NEWCAS 2014 and 2015Bourdel, Sylvain; Le Guennec, Yannis; Morche, Dominique20162016, vol.89, no.1