
参考译名控制论 - 国际系统与控制论杂志


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2015, vol.44, no.1 2015, vol.44, no.10 2015, vol.44, no.2 2015, vol.44, no.3 2015, vol.44, no.4 2015, vol.44, no.5
2015, vol.44, no.6/7 2015, vol.44, no.8/9

A managerial application of system dynamics modeling to outsourcingBodhanya, Shamim; Ojugbele, Hammed20152015, vol.44, no.4
Analysis on evolving model with modular growth of urban roadway network topology structureZou, Zhiyun; Liu, Peng; Zhou, Saisai; Xiao, Yao; Xu, Xuecai; Gao, Jianzhi20152015, vol.44, no.4
Dynamic credit scoring using B&B with incremental-SVM-ensembleSun, Jie; Li, Hui; Chang, Pei-Chann; Huang, Qing-Hua20152015, vol.44, no.4
A hybrid decision-support model for self-managed careerYildiz, Didem; Beskese, Ahmet; Bozbura, Tunc Faik20152015, vol.44, no.4
Parameter optimization of intermittent demand forecasting by using spreadsheetKaya, Gamze Ogcu; Demirel, Omer Fahrettin20152015, vol.44, no.4
Conceptual generalisation Methodological reflections in social science a systemic viewpointAdriaenssen, Daniel J.; Johannessen, Jon-Arild20152015, vol.44, no.4
A systematic review of approaches to assessing cybersecurity awarenessAbd Rahim, Noor Hayani; Hamid, Suraya; Kiah, Laiha Mat; Shamshirband, Shahaboddin; Furnell, Steven20152015, vol.44, no.4
A fuzzy MCDM algorithm and practical decision aid tool to determine the best ROV design alternativeUlker, Birol20152015, vol.44, no.4
Adaptive combination forecasting model for China's logistics freight volume based on an improved PSO-BP neural networkZhou Cheng; Tao Juncheng20152015, vol.44, no.4
Price forecast valuation for the NYISO electricity marketKalczynski, Pawel; Zerom, Dawit20152015, vol.44, no.4