
刊名British Journal of Management


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2015, vol.26, no.1 2015, vol.26, no.2 2015, vol.26, no.3 2015, vol.26, no.4 2015, vol.26, no.Suppl.

Academic Entrepreneurship: Time for a Rethink?Siegel, Donald S.; Wright, Mike20152015, vol.26, no.4
Business and Management Studies in the 2014 Research Excellence FrameworkPidd, Michael; Broadbent, Jane20152015, vol.26, no.4
The Role of Strategic Agility in AcquisitionsJunni, Paulina; Sarala, Riikka M.; Tarba, Shlomo Y.; Weber, Yaakov20152015, vol.26, no.4
Banks' Risk Endogenous to Strategic Management ChoicesDelis, Manthos D.; Hasan, Iftekhar; Tsionas, Efthymios G.20152015, vol.26, no.4
Three's a Crowd: The Role of Inter-logic Relationships in Highly Complex Institutional FieldsFincham, Robin; Forbes, Tom20152015, vol.26, no.4
Drawing on the Map: An Exploration of Strategic Sensemaking/Giving Practices using Visual RepresentationsGarreau, Lionel; Mouricou, Philippe; Grimand, Amaury20152015, vol.26, no.4
Managing Coopetitive Tensions at the Working-group Level: The Rise of the Coopetitive Project TeamLe Roy, Frederic; Fernandez, Anne-Sophie20152015, vol.26, no.4
Entrepreneurship among the Displaced and Dispossessed: Exploring the Limits of Emancipatory EntrepreneuringAl-Dajani, Haya; Carter, Sara; Shaw, Eleanor; Marlow, Susan20152015, vol.26, no.4
Something Old, Something New?: Competing Logics and the Hybrid Nature of New Corporate ProfessionsHodgson, Damian; Paton, Steve; Muzio, Daniel20152015, vol.26, no.4
Inductive Praxis and Management Research: Towards a Reflexive FrameworkJohnson, Phil; Duberley, Joanne20152015, vol.26, no.4