
刊名Applied Ergonomics


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2015, vol.46, no.Pt.A 2015, vol.46, no.Pt.B 2015, vol.47 2015, vol.47, no. 2015, vol.48 2015, vol.48, no.
2015, vol.49 2015, vol.50 2015, vol.51

Did a brief nap break have positive benefits on information processing among nurses working on the first 8-h night shift?Chang, Yu-San; Wu, Yu-Hsuan; Lu, Mei Rou; Hsu, Chung-Yao; Liu, Ching-Kuan; Hsu, Chin20152015, vol.48
Comparative evaluation of six quantitative lifting tools to estimate spine loads during static activitiesRajaee, Mohammad Ali; Arjmand, Navid; Shirazi-Adl, Aboulfazl; Plamondon, Andre; Schmidt, Hendrik20152015, vol.48
Work-family conflict and enrichment from the perspective of psychosocial resources: Comparing Finnish healthcare workers by working schedulesMauno, Saija; Ruokolainen, Mervi; Kinnunen, Ulla20152015, vol.48
An investigation of thermal comfort inside a bus during heating period within a climatic chamberPala, Uzeyir; Oz, H. Ridvan20152015, vol.48
Age-related differences in processing visual device and task characteristics when using technical devicesOehl, M.; Sutter, C.20152015, vol.48
The effect of hair density on the coupling between the tactor and the skin of the human headMyles, Kimberly; Kalb, Joel T.; Lowery, Janea; Kattel, Bheem P.20152015, vol.48
Sleep patterns of offshore day-workers in relation to overtime work and ageParkes, Katharine R.20152015, vol.48
The development and assessment of behavioural markers to support counter-IED trainingNixon, Jim; Leggatt, Andrew; Campbell, James20152015, vol.48
A correlation linking the predicted mean vote and the mean thermal vote based on an investigation on the human thermal comfort in short-haul domestic flightsGiaconia, Carlo; Orioli, Aldo; Di Gangi, Alessandra20152015, vol.48
The use of virtual reality and physical tools in the development and validation of ease of entry and exit in passenger vehiclesLawson, Glyn; Herriotts, Paul; Malcolm, Louise; Gabrecht, Katharina; Hermawati, Setia20152015, vol.48