
刊名Kiplinger's Personal Finance


2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
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2014, vol.68, no.1 2014, vol.68, no.10 2014, vol.68, no.11 2014, vol.68, no.12 2014, vol.68, no.2 2014, vol.68, no.3
2014, vol.68, no.4 2014, vol.68, no.5 2014, vol.68, no.6 2014, vol.68, no.7 2014, vol.68, no.8 2014, vol.68, no.9

CHEAP WATER IS RUNNING DRY: Draughts and aging pipes mean we'll pay more for H_2OSANDRA BLOCK20142014, vol.68, no.5
GET USED TO VIRTUAL BANKING: Branch closures set a new record. Expect more mobile and ATM servicesJESSICA ANDERSON20142014, vol.68, no.5
The Power of PatienceJAMES K. GLASSMAN20142014, vol.68, no.5
Team Up With the KIP 25: We add four new names to the roster of our favorite no-load mutual fundsNellie S. Huang20142014, vol.68, no.5
Stocks: For Growth, Look to Israel - The embattled Middle Eastern nation is a technology powerhouseKATHY KRISTOF; BARBARA HOCH MARCUS20142014, vol.68, no.5
4 Promising New Funds: No track record? No problem. Bill Miller's latest venture and three others are worth a shotCAROLYN BIGDA20142014, vol.68, no.5
Small Banks, Big Dividends: These three banks regularly raise their payouts and yield more than the marketCAROLYN BIGDA20142014, vol.68, no.5
A Muni Fund That Pays More: This high-quality tax-exempt bond fund takes on a little more risk to pick up extra yieldMIRIAM CROSS20142014, vol.68, no.5
Energy Stocks That Pay 4% and Up: If you crave income, you'll love master limited partnerships. We tell you how to spot the winnersKATHY KRISTOF20142014, vol.68, no.5
The Great Bond ShortageJEFFREY R. KOSNETT20142014, vol.68, no.5