
刊名British Journal of Management


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2014, vol.25, no.1 2014, vol.25, no.2 2014, vol.25, no.3 2014, vol.25, no.4 2014, vol.25, no.Suppl.

Emergent Marketing Strategies and Performance: The Effects of Market Uncertainty and Strategic Feedback SystemsSimos Chari; Constantine S. Katsikeas; George Balabanis; Matthew J. Robson20142014, vol.25, no.2
Impact of Customer-based Corporate Reputation on Non-monetary and Monetary Outcomes: The Roles of Commitment and Service Context RiskGianfranco Walsh; Boris Bartikowski; Sharon E. Beatty20142014, vol.25, no.2
From Entrepreneurial Orientation and Learning Orientation to Business Performance: Analysing the Mediating Role of Organizational Learning and the Moderating Effects of Organizational SizeJuan C. Real; Jose L. Roldan; Antonio Leal20142014, vol.25, no.2
Effects of Leadership Style, Creativity Technique and Personal Initiative on Employee CreativityDaniel Herrmann; Jorg Felfe20142014, vol.25, no.2
Corporate Diversification, Information Asymmetry and Insider TradingAli Ataullah; Ian Davidson; Hang Le; Geoffrey Wood20142014, vol.25, no.2
Professional Migrant Women Decentring Otherness: A Transnational PerspectiveEdwina Pio; Caroline Essers20142014, vol.25, no.2
Internal and External Social Capital for Radical Product Innovation: Do They Always Work Well Together?Gloria Cuevas-Rodriguez; Carmen Cabello-Medina; Antonio Carmona-Lavado20142014, vol.25, no.2
Top Management Team Members' Decision Influence and Cooperative Behaviour: An Empirical Study in the Information Technology IndustryTine Buyl; Christophe Boone; Walter Hendriks20142014, vol.25, no.2
Convergence and Divergence Dynamics in British and French Business Schools: How Will the Pressure for Accreditation Influence these Dynamics?Lisa Thomas; Jon Billsberry; Veronique Ambrosini; Harry Barton20142014, vol.25, no.2
Recalibrating Management: Feminist Activism to Achieve Equality in an Evolving UniversityRegine Bendl; Mary Ann Danowitz; Angelika Schmidt20142014, vol.25, no.2