
刊名Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2014, vol.78, no.1 2014, vol.78, no.2 2014, vol.78, no.3 2014, vol.79, no.1 2014, vol.79, no.2 2014, vol.79, no.3
2014, vol.80, no.1 2014, vol.80, no.2 2014, vol.80, no.3 2014, vol.81, no.1 2014, vol.81, no.2 2014, vol.81, no.3

Encrypted communications: towards very low consumption frequency-hopping active filtersYahya Lakys; Alain Fabre20142014, vol.81, no.1
Voltage-mode multifunction filter with mutually independent Q and ω_0 control feature using VDDDAsJaroslav Koton; Norbert Herencsar; Kamil Vrba; Bilgin Metin20142014, vol.81, no.1
A new dual entropy core true random number generatorIhsan Cicek; Ali Emre Pusane; Gunhan Dundar20142014, vol.81, no.1
On numerical design technique of wideband microwave amplifiers based on GaN small-signal device modelRamazan Kopru; Hakan Kuntman; Binboga Siddik Yarman20142014, vol.81, no.1
A very compact, 0.4 V DTMOS CCII employed in an audio-frequency filterAtilla Uygur; Hakan Kuntman20142014, vol.81, no.1
Voltage-mode full-wave rectifier based on DXCCIIJaroslav Koton; Kamil Vrba; Norbert Herencsar20142014, vol.81, no.1
Equivalent circuit models in current-mode circuits for time delay calculationsMelek Kurnaz; Shahram Minaei; Izzet Cem Goknar20142014, vol.81, no.1
Realizations of mutative 4-ports and their applications to memstor simulationsIzzet Cem Goknar; Elham Minayi20142014, vol.81, no.1
A novel approach for tuning and enhancing performances of active circuitsMourad Fakhfakh; Marian Pierzchala20142014, vol.81, no.1
A self-calibration technique for wide tuning range PLLsElias Soleiman; Mahmoud Kamarei; Kambiz Nanbakhsh20142014, vol.81, no.1