
刊名British Journal of Management


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2013, vol.24, no.1 2013, vol.24, no.2 2013, vol.24, no.3 2013, vol.24, no.4 2013, vol.24, no.SUPPL.

Drivers and Performance Outcomes of Innovativeness: An Empirical StudyLida P. Kyrgidou; Stavroula Spyropoulou20132013, vol.24, no.3
A Contingency Model of Boards of Directors and Firm Innovation: The Moderating Role of Firm SizeFabio Zona; Alessandro Zattoni; Alessandro Minichilli20132013, vol.24, no.3
Managerial Risk-taking in International Acquisitions in the Brewery Industry: Institutional and Ownership Influences ComparedMike Geppert; Christoph Dorrenbacher; Jens Gammelgaard; Ian Taplin20132013, vol.24, no.3
The Equality Effects of the 'Hyper-formalization' of SelectionMike Noon; Geraldine Healy; Cynthia Forson; Franklin Oikelome20132013, vol.24, no.3
The Development of Entrepreneurial Leadership: The Role of Human, Social and Institutional CapitalClaire M. Leitch; Christel McMullan; Richard T. Harrison20132013, vol.24, no.3
Temporary Work, Underemployment and Workplace Accommodations: Relationship to Well-being for Workers with DisabilitiesAlison M. Konrad; Mark E. Moore; Eddy S. W. Ng; Alison J. Doherty; Katherine Breward20132013, vol.24, no.3
It's Only Temporary: Time Frame and the Dynamics of Creative Project TeamsRene M. Bakker; Smaranda Boros; Patrick Kenis; Leon A. G. Oerlemans20132013, vol.24, no.3
Ethnic Minority Women in the Scottish Labour Market: Employers' PerceptionsNicolina Kamenou; Gina Netto; Anne Fearfull20132013, vol.24, no.3
Refining the Concept of Political Will: A Gender PerspectiveElena Doldor; Deirdre Anderson; Susan Vinnicombe20132013, vol.24, no.3
How Managers Talk about their Consumption of Popular Management Concepts: Identity, Rules and SituationsHendrik Wilhelm; Suleika Bort20132013, vol.24, no.3