
刊名ASEE Prism


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2012, vol.21, no.5 2012, vol.21, no.6 2012, vol.21, no.7 2012, vol.21, no.8 2012, vol.21, no.9 2012, vol.22, no.1
2012, vol.22, no.2 2012, vol.22, no.3 2012, vol.22, no.4

The New Manhattan Project: Cornell's dean develops a Big Apple curriculumTHOMAS K. GROSE20122012, vol.21, no.6
Crossing the Mississippi: Inside the control room of a unique swing spanHenry Petroski20122012, vol.21, no.6
How Not to Think Like an Engineer: Today's complex challenges require a more subtle approachDEBBIE CHACHRA20122012, vol.21, no.6
FIELD OF DREAMSALISON BUKI20122012, vol.21, no.6
10,000 CHALENGETHOMAS K. GROSE20122012, vol.21, no.6
PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Training ≠ Education - We need to make others aware of the differenceDon P. Giddens20122012, vol.21, no.6
Reaching a Larger AudienceDeborah L. Illman20122012, vol.21, no.6