
刊名Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies

European Transactions on Telecommunications欧洲电信汇刊2000~2018


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2012, vol.23, no.1 2012, vol.23, no.2 2012, vol.23, no.3 2012, vol.23, no.4 2012, vol.23, no.5 2012, vol.23, no.6
2012, vol.23, no.7 2012, vol.23, no.8

A publicly verifiable PCAE scheme for confidential applications with proxy delegationWu, Tzong-Sun; Lin, Han-Yu; Ting, Pei-Yih20122012, vol.23, no.2
Uplink OFDMA resource allocation with discrete rates: optimal solution and suboptimal implementationYaacoub, Elias; El-Hajj, Ahmad M.; Dawy, Zaher20122012, vol.23, no.2
Estimation of the complex-valued mixing matrix by single-source-points detection with less sensors than sourcesLi, Hui; Shen, Yue-hong; Wang, Jian-gong; Ren, Xi-shun20122012, vol.23, no.2
Digital compensation of transmitter leakage in FDD zero-IF receiversFrotzscher, A.; Fettweis, G.20122012, vol.23, no.2
Loading techniques for OFDM systems with nonlinear distortion effectsAraujo, Teresa; Dinis, Rui20122012, vol.23, no.2
Cooperative wireless personal area network systems with partial best relay selectionTsiftsis, Theodoros A.; Kim, Kyeong Jin; Kwak, Kyung Sup20122012, vol.23, no.2
Bankruptcy-based radio resource management for multimedia mobile networksGozalvez, J.; Lucas-Estan, M. C.; Sanchez-Soriano, J.20122012, vol.23, no.2
Extended balanced space-time block coding with transmit antenna selectionEksim, Ali20122012, vol.23, no.2