
刊名Electrical engineering in Japan


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2011, vol.174, no.1 2011, vol.174, no.2 2011, vol.174, no.3 2011, vol.174, no.4 2011, vol.175, no.1 2011, vol.175, no.2
2011, vol.175, no.3 2011, vol.175, no.4 2011, vol.176, no.1 2011, vol.176, no.2 2011, vol.176, no.3 2011, vol.176, no.4
2011, vol.177, no.1 2011, vol.177, no.2 2011, vol.177, no.3 2011, vol.177, no.4

Thermally Stimulated Current in Low-Density Polyethylene/MgO Nanocomposite On the Mechanism of Its Superior Dielectric PropertiesKAZUYUKI ISHIMOTO; TOSHIKATSU TANAKA; YOSHIMICHI OHKI; YOITSU SEKIGUCHI; YOSHINAO MURATA20112011, vol.176, no.3
Characteristics of Lightning Strikes on Wind Turbine Blades. Experimental Study of the Effects of Receptor Configuration and Other ParametersTAKATOSHI SHINDO; AKIRA ASAKAWA; MEGUMU MIKI20112011, vol.176, no.3
Investigation of Direct Load Management Scheme with Consideration of End-User ComfortJUNJI KONDOH; AHMED SHAFIU; NICK JENKINS; DANNY PUDJIANTO; GORAN STRBAC20112011, vol.176, no.3
Influence of Various Compounds on Electrostatic Charging Tendency in Insulating OilSIGEMITSU OKABE; MASANORI KOTOH; MOTOO TSUCHIE; TSUYOSHI AMIMOTO20112011, vol.176, no.3
A Model-Based Method to Design an Application Common Platform for Enterprise Information SystemsAKIRA ISHIHARA; HIROHISA FURUTA; TAKAYUKI YAMAOKA; KAZUO SEO; SHOGO NISHIDA20112011, vol.176, no.3
New Design and Development of Size-Selected Gas Cluster SIMSKOUSUKE MORITANI; MICHIHIRO HASHINOKUCHI; GEN MUKAI; KOZO MOCHIJI20112011, vol.176, no.3
Speed Estimation Method for Ultrahigh-Speed Induction Machine Utilizing Rotor Slot Harmonics Appearing in Neutral Point VoltageKOICHI NISHIBATA; MUNEAKI ISHIDA; SHINJI DOKI; TAKASHI MASUZAWA; MASAMI FUJITSUNA20112011, vol.176, no.3
Calculation of Iron Loss in Rotating Machines by Direct Consideration of Eddy Currents in Electrical Steel SheetsKATSUMI YAMAZAKI; MAKOTO TANIDA; HITOSHI SATOMI20112011, vol.176, no.3