
刊名Control Engineering Practice


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2009, vol.17, no.1 2009, vol.17, no.10 2009, vol.17, no.11 2009, vol.17, no.12 2009, vol.17, no.2 2009, vol.17, no.3
2009, vol.17, no.4 2009, vol.17, no.5 2009, vol.17, no.6 2009, vol.17, no.7 2009, vol.17, no.8 2009, vol.17, no.9

Hybrid NMPC of supermarket display casesDaniel Sarabia; Flavio Capraro; Lars F. S. Larsen; Cesar de Prada20092009, vol.17, no.4
Design, tuning, and evaluation of a full-range adaptive cruise control system with collision avoidanceSeungwuk Moon; Ilki Moon; Kyongsu Yi20092009, vol.17, no.4
Spacecraft attitude dynamics and control in the presence of large magnetic residualsMatteo Corno; Marco Lovera20092009, vol.17, no.4
Probabilistic contribution analysis for statistical process monitoring: A missing variable approachTao Chen; Yue Sun20092009, vol.17, no.4
Improved fault diagnosis in multivariate systems using regression-based reconstructionDirk Lieftucht; Marten Volker; Christian Sonntag; Uwe Kruger; George W. Irwin; Sebastian Engell20092009, vol.17, no.4
Coupling principal component analysis and Kalman filtering algorithms for on-line aircraft engine diagnosticsS. Borguet; O. Leonard20092009, vol.17, no.4
Adaptive modeling of the drying of baker's yeast in a batch fluidized bedM. Koni; M. Turker; U. Yuzgec; H. Dincer; H. Kapucu20092009, vol.17, no.4
Self-tuning gross heat release computation for internal combustion enginesPer Tunestal20092009, vol.17, no.4