
刊名Automotive news


2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
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2009, vol.83 2009, vol.83, no. tn6355 2009, vol.83, no. tn6356 2009, vol.83, no. tn6357 2009, vol.83, no. tn6358 2009, vol.83, no.6341
2009, vol.83, no.6342 2009, vol.83, no.6343 2009, vol.83, no.6344 2009, vol.83, no.6345 2009, vol.83, no.6346 2009, vol.83, no.6347
2009, vol.83, no.6348 2009, vol.83, no.6349 2009, vol.83, no.6350 2009, vol.83, no.6351 2009, vol.83, no.6352 2009, vol.83, no.6353
2009, vol.83, no.6354 2009, vol.84

Henderson's GM speeds up dealer cutsDave Guilford20092009, vol.83, no.6354
Waiting for Fiats: Chrysler's narrow path to survivalLuca Ciferri; Bradford Wernle20092009, vol.83, no.6354
USED-CAR - SITES: CLICK ... AND WAIT - Retailers tap the brakes on online pilot projects until economy turns aroundDonna Harris20092009, vol.83, no.6354
Foreclosed: Nissan stores near HQ - Bank sues owner, says he defaulted on $50 million in loansLindsay Chappell20092009, vol.83, no.6354
Bankruptcy buzz: Bad for business - Automakers, and even President Obama, offer incentives to counter buyers' fearsDave Guilford20092009, vol.83, no.6354
GM's mixed message - The news: Brands are dying The ads: Keep on buyingDave Guilford20092009, vol.83, no.6354
Chevy Volt is exception to 'pay the rent' ruleJamie LaReau20092009, vol.83, no.6354
Task force: GM viability plan has 5 key flawsJamie LaReau20092009, vol.83, no.6354
Henderson pitches straight talk from the hot seatDave Guilford20092009, vol.83, no.6354
Korean unit set to spark GM's productsKathy Jackson20092009, vol.83, no.6354