
刊名Modern Power Systems


1998 1999 2000 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2009, vol.29, no.1 2009, vol.29, no.10 2009, vol.29, no.11 2009, vol.29, no.12 2009, vol.29, no.2 2009, vol.29, no.3
2009, vol.29, no.4 2009, vol.29, no.5 2009, vol.29, no.6 2009, vol.29, no.7 2009, vol.29, no.8 2009, vol.29, no.9

Flue gas desulphurisation - trends and opportunitiesJames Varley20092009, vol.29, no.5
Siemens favours the amino acid salt solutionJames Varley20092009, vol.29, no.5
Advanced CFB gets the most out of biomass at Wittenberg-Piesteritz Stefan Winter; Karl SchieferStefan Winter; Karl Schiefer20092009, vol.29, no.5
The 20 MW European turbineBernard Bulder20092009, vol.29, no.5
Corona shields for thyristor valves at ultra-high voltagesJonathan Sturgess; Alison Baker; Norman MacLeod; Fabrice Perrot20092009, vol.29, no.5
First HTS FCL goes into a US gridLeonard Sanford20092009, vol.29, no.5
Tension based real time monitoring untaps hidden potentialJames Varley20092009, vol.29, no.5
Going for a greener grade of steelJean-Claude Brisson20092009, vol.29, no.5
A few green shoots for IGCC?James Varley; Modern Power Systems20092009, vol.29, no.5
Europe - an energy market to be proud of?Jeremy Wilcox20092009, vol.29, no.5