
刊名Structure and Infrastructure Engineering


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2008, vol.4, no.1 2008, vol.4, no.2 2008, vol.4, no.3 2008, vol.4, no.4 2008, vol.4, no.5 2008, vol.4, no.6
2008, vol.5, no.1

Implications of the long term bridge performance program for life cycle costing in the United StatesSTEVE CHASE; HAMID GHASEMI20082008, vol.5, no.1
Societal and reliability aspects of bridge management in the NetherlandsLEO KLATTER; TON VROUWENVELDER; JAN M. VAN NOORTWIJK20082008, vol.5, no.1
Governing issues and alternate resolutions for a highway transportation agency's transition to asset managementFRANKLIN L. MOON; A. EMIN AKTAN; HITOSHI FURUTA; MASAHIRO DOGAKI20082008, vol.5, no.1
A budget management approach for societal infrastructure projectsKAZUYOSHI NISHIJIMA; MICHAEL H. FABER20082008, vol.5, no.1
Life-cycle cost-benefit (LCCB) analysis of bridges from a user and social point of viewPALLE THOFT-CHRISTENSEN20082008, vol.5, no.1
Societal issues in adopting life-cycle concepts within the political systemROSS B. COROTIS20082008, vol.5, no.1