
刊名Advanced Robotics


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2018

2007, vol.21, no.10 2007, vol.21, no.11 2007, vol.21, no.12 2007, vol.21, no.1-2 2007, vol.21, no.13 2007, vol.21, no.14
2007, vol.21, no.3-4 2007, vol.21, no.5-6 2007, vol.21, no.7 2007, vol.21, no.8 2007, vol.21, no.9

Kinematic modeling of wheeled mobile robots with slipLUIS GRACIA; JOSEP TORNERO20072007, vol.21, no.11
Robust motion/force control of nonholonomic mobile manipulators using hybrid jointsZHIJUN LI; CHENGUANG YANG; JUN LUO; ZHUPING WANG; AIGUO MING20072007, vol.21, no.11
Multi-hypothesis localization with a rough map using multiple visual features for outdoor navigationJOOSEOP YUN; JUN MIURA20072007, vol.21, no.11
Rendering stiffer walls: a hybrid haptic system using continuous and discrete time feedbackHARI VASUDEVAN; MANOHAR B. SRIKANTH; MANIVANNAN MUNIYANDI20072007, vol.21, no.11
Mechanical design of the humanoid robot platform, HUBOILL-WOO PARK; JUNG-YUP KIM; JUNGHO LEE; JUN-HO OH20072007, vol.21, no.11