
刊名IEEE Electron Device Letters


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007

2006, vol.27, no.1 2006, vol.27, no.10 2006, vol.27, no.11 2006, vol.27, no.12 2006, vol.27, no.2 2006, vol.27, no.3
2006, vol.27, no.4 2006, vol.27, no.5 2006, vol.27, no.6 2006, vol.27, no.7 2006, vol.27, no.8 2006, vol.27, no.9

Dual Junction GaInP/GaAs Solar Cells Grown on Metamorphic SiGe/Si Substrates With High Open Circuit VoltageM. R. Lueck; C. L. Andre; A. J. Pitera; M. L. Lee; E. A. Fitzgerald; S. A. Ringel20062006, vol.27, no.3
Metal Gate-HfO{sub}2 MOS Structures on GaAs Substrate With and Without Si InterlayerInJo Ok; Hyoung-sub Kim; Manhong Zhang; Chang-Yong Kang; Se Jong Rhee; Changhwan Choi; Siddarth A. Krishnan; Tackhwi Lee; Feng Zhu; Gaurav Thareja; Jack C. Lee20062006, vol.27, no.3
Thermal Stability of Hf{sub}xTa{sub}yN Metal Gate Electrodes for Advanced MOS DevicesChin-Lung Cheng; Kuei-Shu Chang-Liao; Tzu-Chen Wang; Tien-Ko Wang; Howard Chih-Hao Wang20062006, vol.27, no.3
Electrically Bistable Memory Device Based on Spin-Coated Molecular Complex Thin FilmZhengchun Liu; Fengliang Xue; Yi Su; Kody Varahramyan20062006, vol.27, no.3
Memory Performance of a Thin-Film Device Based on a Conjugated Copolymer Containing Fluorene and Chelated Europium ComplexY. Song; Q. D. Ling; C. Zhu; E. T. Kang; D. S. H. Chan; Y. H. Wang; D.-L. Kwong20062006, vol.27, no.3
Charge Trapping and Degradation of HfO{sub}2/SiO{sub}2 MOS Gate Stacks Observed With Enhanced CAFML. Aguilera; M. Porti; M. Nafria; X. Aymerich20062006, vol.27, no.3
Yb-Doped Ni FUSI for the n-MOSFETs Gate Electrode ApplicationJ. D. Chen; H. Y. Yu; M. F. Li; D.-L. Kwong; M. J. H. van Dal; J. A. Kittl; A. Lauwers; P. Absil; M. Jurczak; S. Biesemans20062006, vol.27, no.3
Study of the Hydrogenation Mechanism by Rapid Thermal Anneal of SiN:H in Thin-Film Polycrystalline-Silicon Solar CellsL. Carnel; H. F. W. Dekkers; I. Gordon; D. Van Gestel; K. Van Nieuwenhuysen; G. Beaucarne20062006, vol.27, no.3
Self-Aligned Amorphous-Silicon TFTs on Clear Plastic SubstratesI-Chun Cheng; Alex Z. Kattamis; Ke Long; James C. Sturm; Sigurd Wagner20062006, vol.27, no.3
Reliable Extraction of Cycling Induced Interface States Implementing Realistic P/E Stresses in Reference Cell: Comparison With Flash Memory CellChang-Ki Back; Bomsoo Kim; Younghwan Son; Wookhyun Kwon; Chan-Kwang Park; Young June Park; Hong Shick Min; Dae M. Kim20062006, vol.27, no.3