
刊名Advanced Robotics


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2018

2006, vol.20, no.1 2006, vol.20, no.10 2006, vol.20, no.11 2006, vol.20, no.12 2006, vol.20, no.2 2006, vol.20, no.3
2006, vol.20, no.4 2006, vol.20, no.5 2006, vol.20, no.6 2006, vol.20, no.7 2006, vol.20, no.8 2006, vol.20, no.9

Kinematic path-following control of a mobile robot under bounded angular velocity errorKEEHONG SEO; JIN S. LEE20062006, vol.20, no.1
New repulsive potential functions with angle distributions for local path planningDONG HUN KIM; SEIICHI SHIN20062006, vol.20, no.1
A haptic representation system for a virtual plain wallPORNCHAI WEANGSIMA; KINYA FUJITA; TSUNENORI HONDA20062006, vol.20, no.1
Feedback linearization and linear observer for a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicleABDELLAH MOKHTARI; N. K. M'SIRDI; K. MEGHRICHE; A. BELAIDI20062006, vol.20, no.1
Back handspring of a multi-link gymnastic robot - reference model approachSANG-HO HYON; NAOTO YOKOYAMA; TAKASHI EMURA20062006, vol.20, no.1
Local path planning using a new artificial potential function composition and its analytical design guidelinesDONG HUN KIM; SEIICHI SHIN20062006, vol.20, no.1