
刊名Materials & Design


2000 2001 2005 2006 2007

2005, vol.26, no.1 2005, vol.26, no.2 2005, vol.26, no.3 2005, vol.26, no.4 2005, vol.26, no.5 2005, vol.26, no.6
2005, vol.26, no.7 2005, vol.26, no.8

Artificial neural network based delamination prediction in laminated compositesD. Chakraborty20052005, vol.26, no.1
Materials selection in the Life-Cycle Design process: a method to integrate mechanical and environmental performances in optimal choiceF. Giudice; G. La Rosa; A. Risitano20052005, vol.26, no.1
Experimental investigation of cutting tool performance in high speed cutting of hardened X210 Cr12 cold-work tool steel (62 HRC)E. Asian20052005, vol.26, no.1
Optimisation of a cast one-step forging operation by virtual processingR. W. Hamilton; P. D. Lee; R. J. Dashwood; T. C. Lindley20052005, vol.26, no.1
In situ synthesis of TiC/Fe composites by reaction castingKeqin Feng; Yi Yang; Baoluo Shen; Lubao Guo20052005, vol.26, no.1
Friction stir welding of dissimilar Al 6013-T4 To X5CrNi18-10 stainless steelHuseyin Uzun; Claudio Dalle Donne; Alberto Argagnotto; Tommaso Ghidini; Carla Gambaro20052005, vol.26, no.1
Ultraviolet treatment on high performance filamentsHuang Gu20052005, vol.26, no.1
Effect of the substrate temperature on properties of plasma sprayed Al{sub}2O{sub}3 coatingsOzkan Sarikaya20052005, vol.26, no.1
Experimental system of cavitation erosion with water-jetZ. Sun; X. Q. Kang; X. H. Wang20052005, vol.26, no.1
Design and fabrication of natural woven fabric reinforced epoxy composite for household telephone standS. M. Sapuan; M. A. Maleque20052005, vol.26, no.1