
刊名Ceramic Forum International

Bulletin of the European Ceramic Society欧洲陶瓷学会报告2004~2004


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2005, no.2005sup 2005, vol.82, no.10 2005, vol.82, no.11 2005, vol.82, no.12 2005, vol.82, no.1-2 2005, vol.82, no.3
2005, vol.82, no.4 2005, vol.82, no.5 2005, vol.82, no.6-7 2005, vol.82, no.8 2005, vol.82, no.9 2005, vol.83, no.4

Isofoam & Foamfrax -Insulation from Unifrax: Introduction to Isofoam and Foamfrax Insulation SystemsJean-Marc Guilloteau20052005, vol.82, no.5
Villeroy & Boch: Porcelain (Manufacture as if by MagicHANS J. Jungling20052005, vol.82, no.5
Extremely Efficient Ceric Wistra Tunnel Kiln for PCOGerhard Nievelle; Richard Gaignon; Dider Verdenne20052005, vol.82, no.5
Study of the Sintering Behaviour of some Multilayer Advanced Ceramics by Means of the Optical Non-Contact DilatometryChiara Venturelli; Mariano Paganlli20052005, vol.82, no.5
High Temperature Wool Working for the EnvironmentHeinz Wimmer20052005, vol.82, no.5
The Effect of Heat Treatment of Glass Fibers on their Phase Composition and Solubility in Simulated Lung Fluid: Dedicated the the 15th Conference on Refractory Castables (24./25.05.2005, Prague/CZ)Marie Strnadova; Daniela Podlouca; Ales Helebrant20052005, vol.82, no.5
Villeroy & Boch: Porzellanfertigung wie von ZauberhandHans J. Jungling20052005, vol.82, no.5
Frankfurt: Ambiente erhielt diesmal die Note "gut" - Design und Lifestyle sorgen fur gesteigerten Absatz. Neuer Handlerverband gegrundetLiebe Leser20052005, vol.82, no.5
Zur Zukunft der Ingenieurausbildung in Hohr-Grenzhausen: Die Stellung der Keramikindustrie zur kunftigen Bachelor- und Master-Ausbildung im Studiengang Werkstofftechnik Glas und Keramik an der Fachhochschule KoblenzFachhochschule Koblenz20052005, vol.82, no.5
Altestes Westerwalder Tonbergbau-Unternehmen begeht sein 175-jahriges GrundungsiubliaumWerner Flebiger20052005, vol.82, no.5