
刊名Advanced Robotics


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2018

2005, vol.19, no.1 2005, vol.19, no.10 2005, vol.19, no.2 2005, vol.19, no.3 2005, vol.19, no.4 2005, vol.19, no.5
2005, vol.19, no.6 2005, vol.19, no.7 2005, vol.19, no.8 2005, vol.19, no.9

Active compliant motion: a surveyTINE LEFEBVRE; JING XIAO; HERMAN BRUYNINCKX; GUDRUN DE GERSEM20052005, vol.19, no.5
Planning of graspless manipulation by a multifingered robot handYUSUKE MAEDA; TAMIO ARAI20052005, vol.19, no.5
Towards grasping in unstructured environments: grasper compliance and configuration optimizationAARON M. DOLLAR; ROBERT D. HOWE20052005, vol.19, no.5
Distinguishability and identifiability testing of contact state modelsTHOMAS J. DEBUS; PIERRE E. DUPONT; ROBERT D. HOWE20052005, vol.19, no.5
Predicting planar motion behavior under contact uncertaintyJAN ROSELL; LUIS BASANEZ; RAUL SUAREZ20052005, vol.19, no.5
Executing assembly tasks specified by manipulation primitive netsBERND FINKEMEYER; TORSTEN KROGER; FRIEDRICH M. WAHL20052005, vol.19, no.5
Compliant motion using a mobile manipulator: an operational space formulation approach to aircraft canopy polishingRODRIGO S. JAMISOLA, JR.; DENNY N. OETOMO; MARCELO H. ANG, JR.; OUSSAMA KHATIB; TAG MING LIM; SER YONG LIM20052005, vol.19, no.5