
刊名Noise Notes


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

2003, vol.2, no.1 2003, vol.2, no.2 2003, vol.2, no.3 2003, vol.2, no.4

Specification of the effects of acoustic noise on optical toolsMichael Gendreau20032003, vol.2, no.3
Correlation between urban noise and non-infectious diseases in the populationV. D. Bliznyuk20032003, vol.2, no.3
Noise from traffic in Kuwait and attitudes of urban residentsP. A. Koushki20032003, vol.2, no.3
Boeing's new winglets reduce fuel burn and noiseW. Hughes20032003, vol.2, no.3
Still worker presses aheadW. Hughes20032003, vol.2, no.3
Low frequency noise from air handling units - ABB points the way forwardW. Hughes20032003, vol.2, no.3
A questionnaire survey of complaints of infrasound and low-frequency noiseHenrik Moller; Morten Lydolf20032003, vol.2, no.3