
刊名Low temperature physics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2002, vol.28, no.1 2002, vol.28, no.10 2002, vol.28, no.12 2002, vol.28, no.2 2002, vol.28, no.3 2002, vol.28, no.4
2002, vol.28, no.5 2002, vol.28, no.6 2002, vol.28, no.7 2002, vol.28, no.8-9

Magnetic coupling between liquid {sup left}3He and solid insulators (review)V. V. Naletov; M. S. Tagirov; D. A. Tayurskii20022002, vol.28, no.5
Anisotropy of the critical current and the guided motion of vortices in a stochastic model of bianisotropic pinning: II. - observed effectsV. A. Shklovskij; A. A. Soroka20022002, vol.28, no.5
Galvanomagnetic effects in the normal state of high-T{sub}c metal oxides in a model two-band superconductor with a narrow band (level) near the Fermi boundaryV. P. Galaiko; E. N. Bratus20022002, vol.28, no.5
Characteristics of the electric field accompanying a longitudinal acoustic wave in a metal: anomaly in the superconducting phaseYu. A. Avramenko; E. V. Bezuglyi; N. G. Burma; I. G. Kolobov; V. D. Fil; O. A. Shevchenko; V. M. Gokhfeld20022002, vol.28, no.5
Low-temperature domain-wall dynamics in weak ferromagnetsA. P. Kuz'menko20022002, vol.28, no.5
Magnetic properties of a lead-doped BKBO single crystalS. N. Barilo; V. I. Gatal'skaya; S. V. Shiryaev; T. V. Smirnova; H. Szymczak; R. Szymczak; M. Baran20022002, vol.28, no.5
Aging effect on the magnetic and transport properties of laser-deposited La{sub}0.5Sr{sub}0.5CoO{sub}(3-δ) filmsV. G. Prokhorov; G. G. Kaminskii; V. M. Ishchuk; I. N. Chukanova; Y. P. Lee; K. W. Kim20022002, vol.28, no.5
Low-frequency quantum oscillations of the impedance of layered conductors at high magnetic fieldO. V. Kirichenko; I. V. Kozlov20022002, vol.28, no.5
Orientational order parameter in α-N{sub}2 from X-ray dataN. N. Galtsov; O. A. Klenova; M. A. Strzhemechny20022002, vol.28, no.5
Features of the low-temperature plasticity of Pb-In single crystalsN. V. Isaev; V. S. Fomenko; V. V. Pustovalov; I. S. Braude20022002, vol.28, no.5