
刊名Low temperature physics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2002, vol.28, no.1 2002, vol.28, no.10 2002, vol.28, no.12 2002, vol.28, no.2 2002, vol.28, no.3 2002, vol.28, no.4
2002, vol.28, no.5 2002, vol.28, no.6 2002, vol.28, no.7 2002, vol.28, no.8-9

Temperature-dependent resistance of a finite one-dimensional Josephson junction arrayK. Engstrom; J. M. Kinaret20022002, vol.28, no.1
Irreversible magnetostriction and magnetization of superconducting 2H-NbSe{sub}2 single crystals in a peak-effect regimeV. V. Eremenko; V. A. Sirenko; Yu. A. Shabakayeva; R. Schleser; P. L. Gammel20022002, vol.28, no.1
Pinning of Abrikosov vortices on dislocations and the critical current in high-temperature superconductorsE. A. Pashitskii; V. I. Vakaryuk20022002, vol.28, no.1
Fluctuation conductivity in YBa{sub}2Cu{sub}3O{sub}(7-y) films with different oxygen content. I. Optimally and lightly doped YBCO filmsA. L. Solovjov; H. -U. Habermeier; T. Haage20022002, vol.28, no.1
Inhomogeneous states for small magnetic particles with exchange anisotropyB. A. Ivanov; A. Ya. Volk; A. Yu. Merkulov20022002, vol.28, no.1
Metallic ferromagnetism in a generalized Hubbard modelL. Didukh; O. Kramar20022002, vol.28, no.1
Effect of light illumination on antiferromagnet-metamagnet phase transitions in the garnet Ca{sub}3Mn{sub}2Ge{sub}3O{sub}12V. A. Bedarev; V. I. Gapon; S. L. Gnatchenko; M. Baran; R. Szymczak; J. M. Desvignes; H. Le Gall20022002, vol.28, no.1
Magnetic phase diagram of the system of manganites Nd{sub}0.6Ca{sub}0.4(Mn{sub}(1-x)Cr{sub}x)O{sub}3I. O. Troyanchuk; M. V. Bushinsky; V. V. Eremenko; V. A. Sirenko; H. Szymczak20022002, vol.28, no.1
EPR spectrum of the Fe{sup}(3+) ion in bromcresol green (C{sub}21H{sub}14Br{sub}4O{sub}5S) and features in the dynamics of the surrounding moleculesV. V. Chabanenko; V. N. Vasyukov; R. O. Kochkanjan; M. M. Nechitailov; H. Szymczak; S. Piechota; A. Nabialek20022002, vol.28, no.1
Interaction of Pr{sup}(3+) optical centers in the Y{sub}2SiO{sub}5 crystalYu. V. Malyukin; P. N. Zhmurin; A. N. Lebedenko; M. A. Sholkina; B. V. Grinev; N. V. Znamenskii; E. A. Manykin; Yu. V. Orlov; E. A. Petrenko; T. G. Yukina20022002, vol.28, no.1