
刊名Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde

International Journal of Materials Research国际材料研究杂志2014~2024


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013 2014 2018

2002, vol.93, no.1 2002, vol.93, no.10 2002, vol.93, no.11 2002, vol.93, no.12 2002, vol.93, no.2 2002, vol.93, no.3
2002, vol.93, no.4 2002, vol.93, no.5 2002, vol.93, no.6 2002, vol.93, no.7 2002, vol.93, no.8 2002, vol.93, no.9

Niobium bulk and grain boundary diffusion in alpha-ironChr. Herzig; J. Geise; S. V. Divinski20022002, vol.93, no.12
Comparison of fatigue lives between grain boundaries and component single crystals of copper bicrystalsZ. F. Zhang; Z. G. Wang20022002, vol.93, no.12
Interfacial reaction between liquid Sn-20In-2.8Ag solder and Ag substrateM. J. Chiang; T. H. Chuang20022002, vol.93, no.12
Modelling the continuous cooling transformation diagram of engineering steels using neural networks - Part I: phase regionsPieter J. van der Wolk; Jiajun Wang; Jilt Sietsma; Sybrand van der Zwaag20022002, vol.93, no.12
Modelling the continuous cooling transformation diagram of engineering steels using neural networks Part II: microstructure and hardnessPieter J. van der Wolk; Jiajun Wang; Jilt Sistsma; Sybrand van der Zwaag20022002, vol.93, no.12
Characterization of the metastable austenite in low-alloy FeCMnSi TRIP-aided steel by neutron diffractionL. Barbe; K. Conlon; B. C. De Cooman20022002, vol.93, no.12
Self-organized criticality - a model for recrystallization?T. Wroblewski20022002, vol.93, no.12
Strain softening effects in texture and microstructure of torsioned pre-deformed Al rodsJ. Kusnierz; M. Kurowski20022002, vol.93, no.12
Microstructural evolution in as-cast hypereutectic Al-Si alloys with different La additionsHongkun Yi; Di. Zhang; T. Sakata; H. Mori20022002, vol.93, no.12
Wear behavior of graphitic aluminium composite sliding under dry conditionsS. Mohan; J. P. Pathak; R. C. Gupta; S. Srivastava20022002, vol.93, no.12