
刊名European Transactions on Telecommunications

Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies新兴电信技术汇刊2012~2024


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2018

2001, vol.12, no.1 2001, vol.12, no.2 2001, vol.12, no.3 2001, vol.12, no.4 2001, vol.12, no.5 2001, vol.12, no.6

Non-data-aided ML carrier frequency and phase synchronization in OFDM systemsErdal Panayirci; Costas N. Georghiades; Ayesha T. Huq20012001, vol.12, no.2
On the transmission of an analog wideband signal through a narrowband channelDov Wulich; Lev Goldfeld20012001, vol.12, no.2
Matching reed-Solomon codes with 4-DPSK block detectorsGianni Guarco; Monica Visintin; Michele Elia20012001, vol.12, no.2
Broadband capacity upgrade strategies in residential areas: an investment cost analysisLeif Aarthun Ims; Dagfinn Myhre; Borgar Torre Olsen20012001, vol.12, no.2
Performance of a baseband adaptive predistorter in presence of orthogonal multicarrier modulationGiovanni Santella; Franco Mazzenga20012001, vol.12, no.2
A Markov-based algorithm for the generation of MPEG sequences matching intra- and inter-GoP correlationAlfio Lombardo; Sergio Palazzo; Giovanni Schembra; Giacomo Morabito20012001, vol.12, no.2
Outage probability analysis for a Nakagami signal in L Nakagami interferersGeorge Karagiannidis; Chris Georgopoulos; Stavros Kotsopoulos20012001, vol.12, no.2
QoS degradation in cellular systems due to H/O hysteresisRaul E. Diaz Hernandez; David Munoz Rodriguez; Carlos A. Molina Ramirez20012001, vol.12, no.2